Green Poison and Pamir Gold 🇨🇿

Hi all,
These are my girls for 2021 season.

I know these strains very good and I love them.
I was germinated 3rd April 2021 in propagator with 125W CFL.

After week i’ve got little plants

After 14 days, all plants were planted in Biobizz Allmix substrate

I was used only pure rain water with no nutrients, sometimes with Power roots

…a week ago I planted the flowers outside, used two 100 liter barrels and dug 2 pits. I filled everything with horticultural substrate and mixed perlite.

keep your fingers crossed for the weather :fist: :grin:


Looking good, I’ll follow along and see how the weather turns out for you. I wish I could grow outdoors! :seedling:


The Pamir Gold is strain for high altitude, maybe it’s possible for you.


It’s more of a legal problem unfortunately.

Roger…but this is ilegal too :grin:
I’ve got lucky for my neighbours

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My surroundings changed a bit and now there are not about 3 people that can take a look, but dozens. Too risky for now. :frowning:


Jak jsi spokojenej s modelama od Dutch Passion? Za pár dnů budu kosit a chci vysadit další a přemýšlím právě nad něčím od Dutch Passion…

Tak pěstoval jsem hlavně venku s Dutch passion,kouře to jsou většinou dobre až na to hermatění…měl jsem ale i klony White widow x The Ultimate ve skříni a parádní g/w jak nic a kvalita taky super…už je to ale pár let…

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After two weeks plants growing, weather isn’t bad,but it can be a better.

Today I germinating seeds of autoflowers.
It’s 2 pieces Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto (Sweet seeds) and 1 piece Lemon Juice Express Auto (Humboldt seeds org.)


Ahoi James,wishing you a good season!
i´m very curious bout the Pamir´s,i got a pack in my fridge too. the GreenPoison i grew out some years ago and lots of other SweetSeeds stuff as well

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Ahoj!:wink:…thank you very much…
Yeah i was grow Pamir before four maybe five years ago.
It’s got best flavour i growing outdoor ever + very strong high and resistable for rot. So, i hope it will be the same as last.
Green poison is good too,good structural of buds,smell,flavour,early harvest… good strain i like it.
Now i’m waiting for seeds of S.A.D. S1 and Ice Cool for my indoor

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Today the first Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto was pop,so i give it to 40litres barell and i create the protection against angry birds😀

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Summer is here
10 days after my last post plants are serious fast,weather is great, only sun, no rain.
Looking good
Height is about 70-80cm.
I’m still using only rain water.
The garden

Pamir Gold

Green Poison

Pamir Gold

Green Poison