Season coming to an end, how are your plants doing?

Hey everyone. As a Canadian outdoor grows are always a crap shoot. Will the weather hold, will frost get them, will they get rained out in fall? So let’s see those plants. Are they ready, do you need a few more weeks, is the weather cooperating for you. Let’s all get together and watch how this end of season is working out for everyone.


What latitude are you at? I’m at 51 degrees North so probably having the same issues as you guys here in Europe :weary:

It’s been raining a lot the last few days. I have a small greenhouse with a couple plants that all had bud mold. Had to cull them. Now i’m hoping for 2 weeks of sunny days for the rest!


Not really sure of my latitude but I am in Ontario Canada. I do know we have had frost warnings and tons of rain the last little while. Different weather for people across the country, just curious how folks are making out. Sorry to hear about your mold issues, best of luck with the remaining ones.


Not bad actually but they do need another week or two…


Nice, some frosty looking buds happening there. Hope they finish out for you well.

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Been raining off/on for the past day. When there is a dry spell i’ll put the effort in with the leaf blower to get rid of any water on the bud sites.

Doesn’t look like i’ll get to do that today with all the :sun_behind_rain_cloud:


Leaf blower! Never thought of that, although I’m an arborist and have the Stihl BR600 :muscle:t4::grin:


Yeah i just use my plug-in flea market arm-bomb special.

It goes :wind_face: .


I looked it up and the most southern point would be at 41 degrees and the most northern point 56 degrees. So, yes, big difference within your state.


Here in Ontario where I am we tend to get a ton of rain, it’s just a weather corridor. I see many times we get rained on most of the summer while those around the corridor have nice sunny weather. Just the way it goes.


Also in Ontario, so I feel what you’re saying. I check the weather hourly haha… Started seeing some PM spots on a few of the lowers and wondering if I should pull her down before it becomes too much of an issue. Gave her a bit of a defo and having been scouting daily… PM seems to be keeping at bay. She’s on the cusp of finishing but I want to run her for as long as possible. Buds have already basically increased by 1.5x over the last 5 days or so! It really is amazing what a plant will show you if you let them go the distance.


Sorry these pics are 18 days old, one Snow White harvested already last month 2 planet of the grapes :grapes: can go today and 2-3 weeks for the rest. No bud rot no bugs no powdery mildew, temp right now is 66deg high humidity but has been lower below 50 on the days it hasn’t rained. Been raining here a ton for the past 3 days in Michigan…Suns out at the moment but more rain later in the forecast but you can’t trust that of course. Highs in the low 70s. Regarding frost I think we will make it before hand but we shall see. Been a good year actually… Nice weight on them all. :v:t2::sunglasses::v:t2:


So let’s see all you other outdoor growers plants? Don’t be shy :slight_smile:


These used to be plants. Chopped 'em down in the rain yesterday after seeing the weather forecast calling for a week of rain.

Anyone else in this locality braving the rainfall and fog, I admire your tenacity. Fortune favours the bold.

They say comparison is the thief of joy… Why did everyone have to grow such beautiful plants outdoors?


Started to harvest last week. I saw this with my plants last year and have seen it this year too. This isn’t my picture. It seems that a pistil will die and mold will start to grow on it. Its makes me real stressed to know this could be all over. I’m talking about the fuzz on the pistil.


looks great! good luck with the weather!!


This is the type of shit that makes me want to run at my plants with garden shears!!!

I knew this time of year would be stressful with the outdoor grows!!

Thanks! I’m thinking she’ll be chopped by weeks end if the weather is showing a lot of cloudy days and rain. No budrot to be seen but that damn PM is a real concern.


It’s this weather that has me convinced I will be running autos outside next year and starting them early to get an August harvest.


I’ve also decided autos next year. Going to try to double crop them.

Mildew has caused me much grief. 40s at night last week, and rain this week. I try to grow these huge plants like I live in california or something. It is to risky for me in michigan. Its way to heartbreaking taking down big plants that aren’t finished. There aren’t enough hours in the day to meticulously check every branch on every plant. All I do is slow it down by hacking beautiful branches away. This is not as much fun or successful as last year. Milkwater helps, but it doesn’t cure it. I dont want to spray with anything harsher, especially while budding out. I’m stubborn, and would rather lose the harvest.


I’m in Ohio. Knew rain and temps could be a problem. Low and behold started to see the signs.

at this point my trichs were mostly cloudy with some clear. I started daily h202 sprays and got another week out of them. Been taking down a couple plants everyday or so.
AIS was the first to come down
Runtz was the second

Jack here came down
yesterday day took down chemdog and Strawberry cough
Strawberry cough
still have a banana kush, zkittlez, cherry cake and a bag seed plant to take down. Rain has kept me inside last 2 days. I’m sure there is more rot out there now. Just a shame to chop em early, close but early none the same.