Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

Yes of course!

Do you have personal experience with this strain that you could tell me about?

I have no experience with this strain.

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I am searching it now

Do you know the origin or breeder?

No I don’t……

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I’ve read and heard on different cannabis podcast anything crossed with catatonic is amazing medicine

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Finally found the “Catatonic” part here:

here is the other part:

Are you not interested in growing it?

I have more strains then I will ever be able to grow.
So I thought since you were looking for something like this I would offer it……


That is a very kind offer, DM coming your way.

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I have an appointment with a Medical Marijuana Doctor tomorrow morning to get my Florida card. It will be interesting to talk to him about how to find the right ratio of CBD to THC to effectively control nerve pain in feet.

Thank you for reaching out.



@Gumbert, Have you looked into growing wild lettuce for its pain relieving properties?

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I do grow lettuce (5 varieties) but I am not familiar with “wild lettuce” do you know the botanical name?

Lactuca virosa

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Reading about it I’m not sure if it would be beneficial for your nerve pain but it’s good to have natural options

So much research to do so little time… Spring growing season is here!!

Thanks, I added it to my research list. I need a larger staff, LOL


I’ve been slowly learning about older natural effective remedies that work. I’m on the low to no pharma if I can do it


This is some good stuff, use it instead of tylenol and ibprofin. We have that growing wild all over our property.


Good night OG, see yall in the morning.



Good morning brother @Gumbert and all OG!

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Onkyo has always been my receiver of choice.

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