Halloween movie favorites

Always will remember this movie cuz I was tripping when I watched it. Good times !!


Quick question - anyone like the Paranormal Activity movies before I rip them apart? :laughing:

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@Prince that movie was crazy. @Slick1 this isn’t the strip bar.


I don’t get the strip bar reference?

I just use those movies as the tester to determine whether I can trust someone’s opinion on horror movies. They say “fuck that corny shit” and I know I can trust their opinion. They say “hell yeah!” and depending on how well I know them I either politely and quietly disregard their suggestions from then on or roast them for it.


Hey college kids! We got your friend!

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These college kids just keep killing themselves all over our property!


Some of the friday the 13th were filmed near me…

I gotta recommend this one… not scary sorry. But it has zombies…

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I like zombie movies. The USA channel. I believe that was the name of it. It was on cable when MTV come out. The night of the living dead. Army of darkness I liked all those movies. I still have to say Jaws. I do not know why that movie terrified me so bad.

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Can’t watch horror films without one of these lol


That is so crazy. I missed a West Coast and up north. Lol you can’t even get good grits around here anymore.

They have a museum for the movie and do an (annual?) event where they screen the movie outdoors and have different activities related to it. Blairstown.

You go to any Weird NJ spots? They seem to be way more prevalent in your area of the state than anywhere else.

Did you watch the one I linked? its all overdubbed. hillarious stuff…

Wierd NJ? Dude. every issue and I mean EVER issue has something about my town. And I’ve been to many of the spots here. My sis loved hunting down the spots when we were in college.And I do have my own firsthand stories to tell… No friend of a friend shit…

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I started to and was like there’s no way I’m making it through 2 hours of this :laughing:

I know I think your town is the most referenced town in NJ over the years. Always been a bit jealous!

Roll lots of fat joints… 23 mins - 25 mins or so in are some of my favorite lines…

I might skip to then and check back out if it dips again…

Not a movie but Netflix series which is a long movie.

For a trick, a Serbian film. For a treat, dead alive. No one likes tricks tho lol

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Just made up the list last night of all movies that need to be watched in October, need to add a few more still.

Also I don’t have a history of seizures but that flickering image seems like it could set someone’s epilepsy off cuz i feel like my brains gonna blow up