Hands on Experience with Deformities: Albino, Duck Foot etc

Has anyone experienced any strange or interesting deformities while growing, genetic or stress induced? And if so, what was the strain, how often do you think it occurs if it’s genetic, and how it effects the plant and it’s flowers? I’m really interested to see I anyone has experienced a true albino and not just light bleaching.


I have had a plant with albino serrations on the leaf edge. bag seed from the 90’s. but I have never bread with one.

I have also grown ducks foot. had a nice pheno with lemon smells.

Mr. Nice seeds used a pheno for some of there seeds that contains a common 3 leafed trait.

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A fasciation on a Mazar. The stem has flattened and an exuberence of bud (of branch, not buds of flowers) appeared
An exemple:

In his descending on 10 plant i grow, 2 have had this degeneration at 1 week of 12/12. I throw all the pack :kissing:

And my regret Jane Doe. For one time in my life i was lucky. I found a seed in a pouch (she was so big) just before i start growing, maybe two day, so I seed. A female trully stable with a flower perfume like gardenia/jasmine) that gave me 3 branches per floor, on all the plant and it was a fucking dominant gene ! Its offspring inherited 1 plant out of 3.
The boss the perfect plant.




Ya I don’t think true albino plants turn out very well, or give you an end product that would impress anyone. The pics I’ve seen still look cool though.
I’ve heard duck foot can have some interesting phenos and produce something good.
That flat stem on that mazar looks cool. I think I’ve seen a flat stem like that on another variety, but I can’t for life life of me remember what it was. Anyone else seen this, or any other mutations?

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For sure! I’ve had it many times… usually grows out of it. Arcana Trainwreck used to be weird sometimes… damn haven’t seen a great cut of that in years.

Trying to remember a cross I made that I got this weeeeirrrddd fucker out of and kept a mom for a bit. It was either the Satori x Flav cross I made or this other one (which I think it was but I can’t remember… know it was half TGA Ozzy and the other half I can’t remember right now.) But I miss both of those… the Satori x Flav I nicknamed “Nepalese Abduction” grew weird fat leaves as a baby that were really really wide almost circular round and it’s tips were funky facing different directions. But they ended up growing up and out and turned to be some sweet sweet dankness. Honestly, prob still in my favorite smokes to this day. Deep funky goo berry and cinnamon spice. Total, “don’t talk to me” I just wanna sit here and try to not melt into this couch kinda bud.

Never grew Duckfoot but followed many threads… cool looking plant.
I always rec keeping deformed plants bc those usually turn out to be the real resin monsters with super unique traits.

One time I had a plant that grew tops from the stems of leaves, the stems of the leaves. Like all the way and I rooted a fan leaf and it came up with like 100 tops. Had to kill it, FML. I believe it to be the same batch of seeds that I’m growing now. It was like chinensis where it came from the joining leaflets it was full veg growing tops out of the stems of leaves.

I had posted pics on some other website I can’t find em now if anybody can find those pics that’d be fucking sweet

Here’s a example of petiole branching as well as a few lowers that pushed the trait in a Og Kush hybrid that I have been working with for years. The recessive genes for variegation in this are present and is more predominantly noticed in the genetic makeup of male plants by a much higher ratio then with females- but the stock is heterozygous and I have a great deal more to learn as I inbreed and further work my selections.

All to often I find deformations in the incestuous lines, even though they may be found in any stock in lower ratio and I always keep the odd ducks knowing that the possibilities for a new path isn’t always the most predominate. Sometimes it is a waste of time, money and energy, yet other times it is a win win like with the extra branching and the ever seemingly hyper- potent dwarf plants. They do always seem to have the potency, yet lack the size in general.

In my thirty years of growing I’ve seen just about anything and everything possible in the deformities and mutations, but I know that the plants plasticity is almost infinite in a sense - so I keep an open mind knowing that we just never know what potential is in each plants genome unless we bring it to maturity.

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I know this thread is old but why not. I have a Silver Pearl on the go now. The original owner of the seed it came from was constantly cloning off clones off clones. He never kept a mother plant. By the time he handed it to my mate it had a deformity that seems to be more prominent when the plant is stressed. Two fingers on one side of a leaf will go very light green, almost looking scarred and the fingers would twist inwards on the scarred sides. About 1 in every 10 leaves when the plant is stressed and one in every 20 or 30 if it is nice and healthy. My mate has also been cloning off clones and does not keep mother plants. He then gave a cut to me. I keep mothers so that should slow the progression of the mutation. Currently the mutation does not seem to impact the plant negatively in any way in any of our gardens. The original owner said it can happen with some Silver Pearl phenos. I do not know how solid his source was though. Pic below:

Yea like that, but like 100 tops all cluster fucked on the stem, I believe it was pink kush. Similar heritage