Is this a genetic miscue?

Hello OG’rs, this is My first post here in the Breeders Lab.

Currently I have an Ace Seeds autoflower growing, this Zamaldelica has just started the 3rd week of Veg.

From the beginning she has had a couple of misshapen leaves, which have continued to grow out. These leaves have smeared edges… damage is definitely not caused by insects.

@DietPeps and I threw a little liquid Seaweed at her and a week later the leaf ailment seems to have evolved.

But last nite I saw something really strange. At the 1st node, there are 4 branches, 2 on each side, instead of 1.

Could you please check out the images below and let me know what is going on.

Normal morphology shows a Fan leaf, with a Branch directly above it, at each node.

This plant has 2 branches above 1 fan leaf, on each side of the 1st node.

Whats up with that Gang? Should we call Ace? So glad I got a little closer !

Pre-fim’d ?


Looks to be a mutant, could grow out of it. What would calling ace do?


Exactly, i’m not sure what ace would do

Throw me a Dozen… would be good pr.
I’m not looking for freebies, just saying it’s odd.

Its a new one for me, with a little deviation


You expect them to give you more seeds because of a single mutant?

Edit - just saw your edit.


Just Happy that I got my nose in there and actually NOTICED something Out of Line


Nothing to worry about, plants are just weird sometimes. I would look at it as extra potential yield due to extra biomass.

Also, possible the Zamaldelica just throws some mutants when crossed to ruderalis. I grew a Nite Owl zamaldelica auto and it never grew a leaf with more than 3 fingers, other plants from the same pack grew normally. :man_shrugging:


Thanks for that @potpotpot. Much appreciated. I like the pre-fim’d node as well, has higher Yield written all over it.

I’m dreamin, have a great day!

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Well muto or not I can say 100% when my jar of Zamadelica finished I got real sad. :+1:


Looks like a form of fasciation. Could be a really fun one to grow out.


Mother Nature can’t be bothered by our expectations of her. She gets her groove on any way any time any where. It is us who needs to adjust to her, not vice versa.

Good growing ya’ll



Thanks for that @Cybersmib and I agree 100%. She’s alive and has a Curve-ball… and qualifies as a tri-foliate (phyllotaxy)

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I’m really interested in stuff like this. My take is that the Dutch seed breeders didn’t want to freak people out with stuff like this, so they bred it out of their seed lines—along with cool effects. But these things didn’t go away; they just weren’t in the skunks and northern lights. Back in the original forms or primordial crosses, there are still those cool effects and weird mutations. My guess is that’s gonna be some good smoke :+1:


Keep Talking Bro I love where its headed lol. Thanks Peps !!



Yup, genetic. And this kind of drift is not uncommon with canna, it just express in so many variations that it’s not always easy to see the pattern. There is a chance (if you don’t prune it) that the apex shoot split in two when hormonal maturity is reached (i guess 6/7th node on this kind of hybrid).

I will not start to talk about cytokinins/auxins funk, so i will just say that the plant “forgot” to build an internode for a higher priority in his planning. It’s just on top of the hypocotyl.


Thanks @Fuel for lifting the Cap and showing me whats brewing.

You know it!, I’m gonna look those Wurds-up and digest’em.

Thanks a bundle and No Topping / FIMming is planned

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That opens up some interesting ‘manifold’ possibilities for training… :thinking:



I have had tri-branched mutation as opposed to opposite or offset slightly whirled but i have never seen a forked opposite branch structure. Thats a good one. I wonder if it will keep with it throughout maturity.

heres a good long/ boring read on tree forks

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A triple, afaik It normally grows out when nodes start alternating.

It’s a bit of a bonus imo.

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12 minutes to More Likes.
Thanks for the link @PsillyRabbit
Have a great day PR, I’m going to let it do its thing

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Very Kool @Star_Dog I’ve not seen one grown-out ! Thx
Thats what happens when Pot Smokers get in Natures Kitchen