Have you ever dried/cured with brown paper bag?

Exactly what the title says, I’ve read a bunch on it on many sites. No need for others stories. Wondering if you have done it or are doing it. How it worked for you. N at what progress points did you have different smells, what where the smells? In the beginning for me, I could only relate the smell of a brown paper bag to a pizza box, so at day 2 i was concerned subconsciously about pizza smelling weed.


In the winter (air is VERY dry here) I always dry in a paper bag, to slow down the drying process.
I then move to the jar for curing.
I think it works great for doing small batches.


at harvest I trim while the plant is standing
then it gets hung in a drying room at 75F , humidity controls set to 30%
Day 2 the controls are set to 72F , humidity 40%
Day 5 temps set to 70F , humidity 50%
Day 7 temps to 65F , Humidity 65%
Day 10 or when the stems feel dry inside, cut flowers from stems and put into a clean paper bag. Roll the top tightly closed and keep in a room held at 65F
Open the bag each day for a couple hours , do not disturb the curing flowers.
Once the RH in the bag holds at 60 to 65% when closed… it the goes into glass jars.
It will then need to be opened and allowed to gas off once a day for several days.


yep. that used to be the way to do it, pop it in a paper bag and fold it over slightly so it isn’t too tight and leave it for a day or two, until it got dry. never did check humidity or anything like that, just left it alone and checked it daily. too long ago to recall any smells or anything.


This was first time not using grove bags, Pretty in line except my stems are still on. Everything is cut under the length of the bag to fit though.

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No, I have not…


I cured several batches in brown grocery bags with the top folded over and placed in a refrigerator
Low temperature and slow drying in the dark. It worked well and cut down on my panic to get stuff dried perfectly before jarring.


How long in the fridge? Might try this one myself

That’s the beauty of it…you can take a small hydrometer and check em every few days and if it’s above 80% take the bags out for a few hours and put em back


This is what I do except for the graduated steps. I must try that.

Yeah, it works and doesn’t smell like paper bag or pizza. Nowadays I just strip the nugs off and put them on a boxtop with a metal grate in it and a piece of window screen. Then dump the nugs on top. Lots of air circulation. Just have to pay attention to humidity where you are drying.

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Wet trim, set out a few days hanging broken down to branches. Dry to touch then drop nugs in lunch size bags. Pull out each and lay on tray for a few hours, back to bag. Once moisture stop coming to outside leave in bags few more days. Then to fridge.

At the time I bag the buds, 2 to 3 oz per max, I put the bags in mini fridge. Jars cure in fridge as well.

It’s a get a feel for thing, watching and checking daily. My buds taste better, smell better, and are more dense.

I hate overdrying buds I spent months on. This method may take a bit longer but I’m enjoying it much more.


I do it all the time don’t effect bud much if any.no smells no cardboard’ taste no pizza smells.Its a good way to sweat the rest of the moisture to get it in the sweet spot and keep mold away before you jar or in my case vacuum seal it

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A flat bud will smoke the same as a round bud but if your real picky make sure to rotate your buds every so often they will get flat on the bottom if they finish drying like that.I dry in my tent 5 days then into bags till i get them to good consistency then into Vaccum bags if that helps i dont just go all Commando and toss them right after chop.My personal i could care less it if its flat it goes into my pipe and i set it on fire


I was using paper bags a little differently than most.
I do a controlled drying process and then jar.
(Depending on the RH) if the bud in the jar is a little damp, I’ll leave the lid off and drop a paper bag loosely over the top. That way you don’t have to disturb the jar contents by dumping them out and later reloading the jar.



Our house humidity is usually around 60%, so I wash, hang dry the whole plant until its kind of dry, then into paper bags for finishing dry. If they’re a little iffy, a piece of paper bag in the jar ring instead of a lid is nice to let it breathe.

I’m not good at it and I think I often overdry things, but I have such a hard time with finicky processes, and at least this way I seldom ruin anything with hay smell. :wink:


You will get that hay smell from Flash drying the product by drying it too fast.Hanging then paperbag to get that last little bit but leaving just enough moisture for a good cure is the secret.over drying and you will het exhaust pipe weed that burns faster than you can smoke it.Smokes like shit and turns into powder in a pipe and rolls even shittier joints with more runners in it that A 2$ whores pantyhose.


Overdrying can be fixed by dropping a damp cotton ball down into a sealed jar making sure it isn’t touching your buds. Just check on it every few hours until you get back to the desired humidity.
That’s why it is called an art.


i do it plug in ones all in the fridge i cut the plant i hang dry it all in the fridge years ago it was a necessity for me as the smell i have a cool mist humidifier and a computer fan a usb type. i run the old fridge threw a old style timer on for a bit off for a long time it sits 54 would like it a bit warmer it took me for ever to get it there i cut the plant down hang no trim coat hanger hook that’s it till she is at that snappy don’t break stage.i do my trim mind you it takes a month to get there or so when trimmed i put it into lunch bags no more than an oz in the begining i black molded some and white molded some to much in the bag or contaminated when it went it it takes me 3 to 6 months i have no proof but i think it gets smoother the longer it hangs out in the fridge

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I do 4-5 days hanging then 4-5 days in brown paper bag and then in glass bottles.