Happy Birthday to @slick1

Hey just saw this. Happy birthday @Slick1 ! Hope your having good one! Try not to get any on the carpet!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grin:

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Happy birthday good buddy. Thanks for making them Awesome beans CMFV ftw


Happy Birthday! @Slick1

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Happy Birthday :birthday: @Slick1!

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Happy Birthday you filthy animal!

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Happy birthday you Giraffe punching bastard! :laughing: :v: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Happy Birthday :birthday::balloon::tada: fellow April brother :birthday: happy birthday hope you’re having a great day @Slick1

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Happy Birthday slick1 hope you have a good one💚

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I’m beat so my rewording will have to suffice for now. And don’t you judge my grandma! She lived through the depression so she can do whatever makes her happy. If that means jumping in a soul train with you and your 'festive" friends then so be it.

It’s so refreshing to hear someone other than my self say that :laughing:

Thanks for all the birthday wishes all! Thanks @Pigeonman for the thread! Was pretty awesome to come home from work to!


Happy birthday hope you have a good one

Happy Birthday @Slick1 !! I know I’m a little late but hopfully this finds you well

How old are you now? I know the topic is old.

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Happy birthday @Slick1 you bring a certain Je ne sais quoi to this place.

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I’m a ripe 39 and that big 4-0 is now breathing down my neck.

Thanks! I like to think so but law enforcement calls it something different. Lewd and indecent/immoral behavior, something like that :thinking:

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Things start to change. When I turn 40 it was a big change. I say 38 I started noticing a big difference. But I also had a problem with my health.


If they would fix the problem they won’t fix it. It is my spine I got something touching nerves. But anytime I mention the chiropractor because that is the only person that keeps me walking. They want to start playing games. I told the doctor the other day I said I’m tired of it I’m tired of you taking my money I’m tired of you spending it if you do not fix it this time I’m gonna ask you out back. No bullshit I am tired of it. I am ready to put my foot in somebody’s butt

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This is why I’ve invested in a solar-powered all-weather onboard computer aka my personal: “check engine light”.

…although the information I have on their is all environmental; this thing is tracking my pulseOX, heart rate, sleep patterns, stress level, activity and etc.

As an example I now KNOW i only get 1hr of actual restful sleep a night… :man_facepalming:

BUT IT’S DEFINITIVE NOW and no longer an assumption! :rofl:


They wanted me to do a sleep study but I said what are they going to tell me that I don’t already know? Every time I hit a REM cycle I wake up. Don’t need 50 electrodes to tell me that. Besides, sleeping anywhere other than my own bed would skew results anyway.


I’m the same way. Can’t sleep in a new bed.

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