Happy Man's:Jillybean-Fem Photo (closed)under Mars hydro Smart FC6500 Light

Things look to be reversing well.
STS causes a lot of stress in the plant.
A plant that is already weak may succumb to what ever was ailing it before the STS.
The roots could be too wet.

If you decide to use STS again try only spraying the shoots and not the leaves.
This will stress the plant less and should give the same reversing results.

If you have any specific questions I will do my best to answer them…feel free to ask anything. :wink:


That’s kinda what I do, as well

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I believe that one plant that was in the fabric pot did get to wet from the runoff of the other 3 in the same tray.

Sorry guys I am having trouble with the laptop. The grandson got it working tonight.
I am spending all my extra time with the plants and don’t have a lot of time to come here. I have taken photos when I get a minute to update.

:green_heart: :seedling:


As long as this seed run have you enjoying the plants, that’s all that matters. Updates are a bonus, and you’re on the right path to get beans this around here, so we’ll get to see more what’s in this plants anyway. Have fun and hope things are getting better!


The he/shes are opening but very little pollen is being released.

Sorry for the absence. I have been dealing with life (sister, insurances and repair folks) issues.

The Jilly bean from the OB are in the closed in ex garage in the basement of my house are plugging along on 12/12.

The male is the short one in the front left corner. I think it is so short because I keep it in veg so long trying to germ the rest of the seed and waiting for more from the breeder in Oregon. All seed came from the breeder but the first, male, came by way of @Bobgrows. The seeds that germed had a fail to thrive issue, The are very old originals.

These are the 2 females on the right

These are the male front left of tent and female in the back.


Happy to see them coming along!
I hope life eases up soon.
You need to visit… lol
If you need anything, please let me know. :heart:


I will take you up on that if all the bulk Spring Box hit at the same time like last spring.

:green_heart: :seedling:


My house or yours?
I’ll help you of course!


Kinda typical for a reversal.
You may wanna collect some or blow a fan around.
My fear is most of it may hit the floor instead of where it needs to go.
Just my 2 cents here, you will probably be just fine, I tend to think too much sometimes… :exploding_head:

I hope all is well over yonder.
Things are getting strange in Michigan.
I just saw a Goose flying north in February…WTF?? :grimacing:


Plants are looking good @G-paS. :v:

LOL, they are all over the place up here. I find most don’t migrate south for the winter any more or at least many don’t. It is weird to see.


I have air vented in on the bottom of one side of the tent and the exhaust at the top of the other side. I am hoping to create an air flow coming up and over. I did pick up each male tonight and shake it of the much taller ladies.

I may try to shake over something day tomorrow and stor some. I only work in the apartment one day and the house garage the next.

The fruitcup are being held in veg until this run is showing seeds, make done/gone. I took four more clones and they are in cups now.

We do have some that stay year round in areas that have open water year round. I am afraid at some point if they should some day not have year round open water the future generation won’t know how to migrate :anguished:

:green_heart: :seedling:


I was at the M-I-L apartment today to take care of the Jillybean Regular. I did a shake over a SS mixing bowl.

I am seeing some pistils turning. not very many though.

I got a little pollen

I put it in with the dehumidifier but the house is running in the lowe 20’s to high teens.

I couldn’t remember if I washed the shaker last time so I rewashed it and will strain tomorrow.
I separated out the plant matter as best I could. I will shake that tomorrow to see if I get more.

I will continue this every other day until I don’t get any. The clone form #7 seems to have the most pollen at this time. Number 7 was the hardest to clone the first time but did the best the second time I took them.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I shucked out some more pollen tonight. This is what I have total from the 2 shakes of the 7 reversed clone males. the little tool is what the sent to remove the sim card in my phone.

The color is the normal yellow/greenish but I didn’t get a good photo and tried fussing with the setting.

:green_heart: :seedling:


wow, very nice to see this @G-paS
thank you for showing this journey and the process it has taken so far, I appreciate your time in this.

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I appreciate all the detail you share. For some one like myself who has never ventured into breeding the knowledge you share is just awesome. Thank you! :+1::v:


Looks like you should have plenty of pollen for this project, if it is viable that amount will make a lot of seeds.

Good luck girl! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


All 8 reversed males are now throwing pollen. There is a lot for the size. They are about 1/3 as tall as the female. I had keeped the females in veg waiting on the clones. The girls were already over 3ft tall when I flipped. The males weren’t much over a foot tall.

This is an older photo but, it shows how much shorter the males were. That one in the front was in a fabric pot and it got too wet for too long. The males are on shelves about 18" high so they can do their thing. I have also shaked them over the females every other day when I water.

I still have more white pistils than orange. I guess I will give them another week together.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Loving this journey @G-paS
They’re looking good!


You’re doing one heckuva good job with these!


Thank You! If I don’t get enough seeds, I still have the 6 clones to make enough.

:green_heart: :seedling: