šŸ¦ƒ Happy Thanksgiving 2021!

:turkey: Happy Thanksgiving :turkey: to all my American friends, and anyone else who wants to join in the celebration!

What are you thankful for?


Thanks bud, Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. We already had our Thanksgiving in Canada but I am happy to be welcomed to your celebration. What am I thankful for? Well I suppose I am thankful that my family is healthy. That I have a garden growing. That I have the support of growers like yourself to help guide me. Mostly that today is a new day full of possibilities. Have a good one bud.


Thankful to have a loving woman by my side, who puts up with all my shit.
(I put up with hers too, and no, she doesnā€™t even browse the forum)

And a Happy Thanksgiving to you, @Purple-N-Hairy, and everyone else on OG.


The Quest To OverGrow The World
Have a great growin day.


That we got moved into a new home and the family is gathering today in it.


I am thankful my little baby girl just had her upper front teeth burst through her gums!
Now that she has 2 pair of opposing chompers she gets more real food, less mush! Just in time for turkey!


Happy Danksgiving!

What am I thankful for? Another year above groundā€¦ Health, family and good friends. A healthy garden and a whole bunch of new opportunities in the future!


Iā€™m thankful to have a home and a family as the weather turns cold. Having a forum of positive and like-minded people is something that I am thankful for, especially in these divisive times!!! Thanks OG


Iā€™m thankful for OVERGROW.COM!!! without this site Iā€™d be failing for much longer on learning to grow the right way!!! You guys and girls here are awesome!!! The brotherhood I feel among this site is unchallenged by anywhere elseā€¦ thank you all for being the people that you are!!! Keep being cool, this crappy world needs some good in it, I appreciate you all !!! :pray: Happy Thanksgiving ā€œeven though the actual day was a travesty massacreā€ I celebrate differentlyā€¦ has nothing to do w our governments lies and bsā€¦ just togetherness and loveā€¦


Happy Danksgiving to my fellow American cannabis enthusiasts!

May you eat and smoke so much that youā€™re all asleep watching football by 746pm!


No, no, they need to stay awake until 9:00 to win some beans. Turkey coma is fine after that.

Happy Thanksgiving to my 'Murican friends


Happy Thanksgiving OG!!

I am Thankful for a job to pay my bills, a roof over my shoulders, a family I care about, friends whose company i can enjoy, and you the fine peeps at OG:
@Purple-N-Hairy - who helped me make a badass cloner
@Oldtimerunderground who sent me a very nice welcome to OG bean envelope and has helped guide my crappy grows ever since
@Tejas who told me my blue tape sucked in my room
@FiveGar who made me rethink the lighting i was going to use
@Rmevet who showed some real generosity to me and the forum in the Baked Beanz server fund
@OGSince03 who told me my green light sucks but i still dont believe him
and @repins12 who reminded me to sit down and think on whats really important in life
and to all of you other OGers who have taught me too many things to mention and who have given me some great genetics and lots of laughs!!

Crap! how could i forget!!
thanks @LemonadeJoe for making this site possible!!

its smoked Turkey time!!!


Happy Thanksgiving to all overgrowers! As a Canadian, we celebrated earlier this year, but like every day I am thankful for my health, thankful for my friends and family, and very thankful fo rmy wife, who is getting closer day by day to bringing our daughter into the world!
Also extremely thankful for all of the help and wisdom on OG, this is a very unique community that is full of positivity and love!


Ill be eating Chinese food to celebrate with you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@dougdawson. I remember Canadian thanksgivings at our camp on Charleston Lake Ontario as a youth. Sadly we no longer have the cabin on the island. We use to go up to close the camp (Columbus day) and visit our camp friends/ say goodbye for the winter and was always treated with turkey and fixings. I miss those days. Have a splendid day Doug


i am thankful for everything in my life,
i am grateful to be alive.
Happy turkey day everyone


Happy to be able to watch the Macyā€™s day parade! :turkey:
Iā€™m warm and fed and have a garden growing. :grin: I have met some wonderful folks here, I have many things to be thankful for. :relieved:

Enjoy Turkey day! :us:


Happy Thanksgiving!!! Iā€™m thankful for my family. Also for having a medical grow for my meds.

Happy turkey day :yum:



Happy Thanksgiving. Iā€™m grateful that Im still here and able to be with my family.
My inner circle is here with me and thatā€™s what counts the most.
There are few more that I wish was here. But Iā€™m still grateful and carry them in my heart, because love is forever.


Happy Thanksgiving to OG growers!