Harvest completed and now?

So it’s been 3 days since hanging the plant and I’m averaging 64.7° and rh 53% so far and seems to be doing well thanks for the feedback and should I raise humidity more or good?


That sounds good… are you hanging whole? Or did you dispatch into smaller branches? Keep up the good work! Happy harvests dude!



Whole plant not huge


That’s nice… you can stagger and slow down the drying… removing leaves/breaking down into branches… it can dry out fast in CO! My cabin is at 8888ft :wink:

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First time I did smaller branches and it’s just to much and I’m at 6900


If u can kick up ur humidity a lil more it would be more ideal, if not ur prob fine, 53% ain’t terrible. Down here in az we’re in 5-10%
From my experience drying in such low humidity that I can’t really modify I just stopped having a fan blowing around my drying line and gives me the 8-9 day dry I’m typically aiming for 🤷

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60/60 is always the goal. Not always achievable. I’m sure your smoke is going to be fire.


Is it in a confined space like a tent? I kept a big bowl of water in my tent with a towel half in it. The other half of the towel draped across the floor of the tent and a fan blowing on it. That raised my humidity around 10% Just had to fill the bowl every day.


A little bump in humidity couldn’t hurt. I like 60 but don’t sweat a few points.

Just keep on eye her. Molest her. Squeeze the buds. Get a feel for moisture over the course of the dry. Bend stems and see how it feels bend vs snap. Smoke a little prematurely. Get a feel for the process.

Basically grab every opportunity to use your senses and get a feel for it.

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