Harvesting for full medicinal potency

I saw them :grin:, mostly sativas will do this, interesting subject, here’s a good article … empollon|nullxnull


Great read. All kinds of good info in there.

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I recommend multiple harvests of each plant.

Like, Blueberry stuff is most terpy at around 7 weeks, but the buds are more medicinal around week 9 and plump up again around week 10.
For nerve pain, I like week 12-16 if I can (strain dependent)
For example, commercial growers harvest Chemdog at week 8. I like to go to week 12-14.

Personally, for medicine, I go about two weeks later than everyone else. Gives a good blend of thc and cbn. Plus more biomass for FECO.
Commercial harvests are on the early side to get max terps.

A general indicator is when the fan leaves start to fall off and plant stops drinking water.


Depends on the strain, new pistils can still come when scoping the plant says they are ready. Also depends on what you are trying to achieve. I do not mind a sedative smoke at the end of the night but that would not do in the morning.


I’m gonna have to agree with bunny on this one.:grin:


Based on this study:

  • Trichome heads have a cuticle which bursts/tears and secretes (exudes) resin when they mature.
  • This bursting and secretion happens around the same time as trichomes start to turn amber.

And, as we know,

  • Ambering of trichomes is due to oxidation of phenolic compounds (cannabinoids).
  • Oxidation is neither good or bad, but it IS the reduction of THCA to other compounds (CBN and others, hard to find studies on it specifically).

So, my take is, generally:

  • If we see amber trichomes, the heads have already started to oxidize, and separately, have started to tear open and leak/ooze resin.


Which leads me to believe that an “early” harvest is the way to go for maximizing potential THC levels, not just because of avoiding oxidation, but because amber trichome heads leak resin. I assume that we want to keep the resin IN the trichome head, basically.

I recall that DJ Short recommends an early harvest, when trichomes are still clear. That said we just have a absolute litany of parroted posts on every forum stating “two more weeks” and to seek some % of amber trichomes. In a world of disinformation, I guess I’m starting to think that commonly memed knowlege is usually “wrong”.

Does anyone have any experience in this domain?

FWIW, I am harvesting a test subject of Barney’s Farm LSD over the course of around two (2) weeks, where the first colas were pulled with crystal clear trichomes at day 64F. I’ll pull a few more when they are cloudy, and then the rest with 50% amber. Then, a blind testing process will begin. Wish me luck!


I’ll bite! What does the oxidation “do” for you? I can totally see it calming the high, or being evidence of reduced THCA (THC) levels once consumed. Have you smoked the same plant pulled both early and late?

I can’t tell you from an on the plant perspective but I can say that my year old oxidized hash is the sleepiest most wonderfully narcotic thing in my arsenal.

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Alright it’s a fight I guess.

I have a TMI question my friend! This is open to all really, I’m honestly curious and hunting for the recipe here.

Does the more narcotic vibe increase or decrease “somatic sensation” to put it PG-rated?

It is definitely soporific and only to be smoked near bedtime.

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As is benadryl… but take 200mg (please don’t) and you’ll allegedly see the face of god during the resulting somatic experience. Same goes for quaaludes to my knowledge where you “get past” the sopoforicity (thank you for that term, made my day and I’m going to use it tonight with my wife, the self-proclaimed vocabulary master of the house) and allow the brain to stay wakeful.

I have the ability to really rub people the wrong way! Sorry man truly.

Benadryl can have the opposite effect. It can cause irrational excitement. That’s why they don’t give it to seniors

And yeah, it’s a good word

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My go to point is 80-90 % milky, amber is barely the case. Some clear trichs are always there.

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I’ve experimented with harvesting earlier and later on my Blueberry clone; normally I chop at around 10 weeks, roughly on par with the European breeder’s stated time of 8 weeks since they generally start from “the first flowers showing” - highly subjective compared to flip imo, but it usually works out to 2 weeks. Earlier it’s more mind-racy, occasionally paranoid and gives me a headache. Later it’s a bit more settled and what I’m used to. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong, of course. It’s apparently similar to what a dose of pure THC does, according to a (rather small-scale) study done recently.


I always liked “sometimes I harvest when they’re done and sometimes I harvest when I’m done with them.”


This sums it up for me pretty much. Usually the latter is the case :crazy_face:


Just hurry up already jeez…


Perhaps. But I like a little oxidation.

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