Harvesting for full medicinal potency

It is definitely soporific and only to be smoked near bedtime.

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As is benadryl… but take 200mg (please don’t) and you’ll allegedly see the face of god during the resulting somatic experience. Same goes for quaaludes to my knowledge where you “get past” the sopoforicity (thank you for that term, made my day and I’m going to use it tonight with my wife, the self-proclaimed vocabulary master of the house) and allow the brain to stay wakeful.

I have the ability to really rub people the wrong way! Sorry man truly.

Benadryl can have the opposite effect. It can cause irrational excitement. That’s why they don’t give it to seniors

And yeah, it’s a good word

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My go to point is 80-90 % milky, amber is barely the case. Some clear trichs are always there.

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I’ve experimented with harvesting earlier and later on my Blueberry clone; normally I chop at around 10 weeks, roughly on par with the European breeder’s stated time of 8 weeks since they generally start from “the first flowers showing” - highly subjective compared to flip imo, but it usually works out to 2 weeks. Earlier it’s more mind-racy, occasionally paranoid and gives me a headache. Later it’s a bit more settled and what I’m used to. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong, of course. It’s apparently similar to what a dose of pure THC does, according to a (rather small-scale) study done recently.


I always liked “sometimes I harvest when they’re done and sometimes I harvest when I’m done with them.”


This sums it up for me pretty much. Usually the latter is the case :crazy_face:


Just hurry up already jeez…


Perhaps. But I like a little oxidation.

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Once I started making hash and rosin, I began harvesting earlier, on the grounds that I tended to prefer the extracts that were lighter in color, and your rosin is whatever color the blend of your trichome resin is. Dark resin, dark rosin.

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Did you notice different highs?

I felt like the overall product was better from rosins no darker than a light tan from being more potent to having better terpenes. I don’t know that I specifically noticed that lighter = more head/“sativa” high on the lighter extracts in particular, and I think a lot of that will have to do with your strain and grow, so unless you’re growing the same cut, growing under the same conditions and harvesting at different points and washing/etc to compare, I feel like it would be a challenge to isolate.


If you ever feel like trying it maybe with 3 clones or so I’d love to read your conclusions. I don’t do dabs and therefor don’t make any shatter, wax or rosin,some friends of mine do though

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Just a question, if the trichomes do burst and leak resin, wouldn’t the resin simply leak onto the flower anyway?