Help: from soil to Canna Coco?

So…simple question:I have failed a bit this time,due to overwatering a lot in soil and perlite.My soil was biobizz lightmix.I have a lot of time to tende to my plants and with Coco+ perlite I would not overwater,still,I would Need to water It more than once at day or so…I have a cheap EC Meter working and GH pH drops doing the job.
I also have biobizz Bio up and down pH.
My tap water Is 200 ppm Hanna scale= 0.4 EC
I only Need advice on what Coco line to go with .I look at Canna Coco A and B +Coco professional plus substrate.Fabric pot 3 gal.
Thank you in Advance Red heart :heart:


I’m not a coco guy but I can help with you soil grow if you want to stick at it : )


Im currently using Jacks in coco. Ive also had good results with GH flora. I havent tried Canna.
I can say in 3 gallon fabric pots I only water once a day with some run off and have not needed to water more than that.


I got my 5th grow a disaster with overwatering and stunting autos.I thought of trying One Coco among my soil girls

Thank you a lot.A Little runoff,Say 10% ?

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Approximately, yes. I use a shop vac to remove run off.


Canna coco is super simple it’s just the a and b start to finish. You don’t need the canaysym if it’s your first time using that coco, the rhizo is awesome and same with the boost. But really all you need is the a and b with the pk 13/14 in flower.


Got to buy the pk?Can I buy It later on?

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@Andrexl Absolutely. You only need the pk in flower. They recommend only using it week 5-7 of flower I believe. I use it at a lower rate throughout flower

Edit: you don’t have to buy the pk if you don’t want to but it’s the bud booster for that line. Totally up to you

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I am more concerned about pH -+
I use biobizz organic pH ±.
Is It compatible?

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I don’t see why it wouldn’t be. I just use whatever ph -+ I can find at the time. I haven’t had issues


my advice to you @Andrexl

calmag under 1mg

even when double buffered, i still have calmag issues that require a feeding with calmag each watering.


@Syn That Is good shit over there.Thank you friend.I also have tap water analisis in my hands of my municipal source saying Cal 38 and Mag 25ish on average measurements for 6 months.From the tap I measure 195 ppm.I Will have to buy 100€ of equipment including pH,EC Meter,Substrato and canna Coco A&B…those shitty drop test not gonna work with Coco I think…

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Canna Coco A&B. No need for the P/K or cal/mag. Works a treat. Keep ec a bit below what Canna recommends, until they look hungry. Wash the coco first! EZ PZ.


I am buying what seems like a good or decent pH. Meter.It Is called Adwa ad12 pH Meter.Seems good from Amazon reviews,also got a replacement prove of It does break
My cheap EC Meter seems doing a nice job.The margin of error I tested Is about 2-10 ppm


I find with pH meters, it is still handy to have some cheap pH drops around to occasionally cross-check them.



I use canna coco a b, cal-mag, p/k 13/14 in flower and the occasional shot of recharge. I started out buying all the fancy pens and now they pretty much collect dust. I use my ph pen when I mix nutes for babies but that’s it. After a while, it becomes second nature for the nutes you constantly mix.


Totally agree with @lostinmyhome and @Gpaw
If you water til runoff and feed lightly, less than recommended by the chemical line you choose, you should be fine.
I’ve never had a ec meter or pen, and have been growing in coco for years.


Nice,I bought the cheapest but best in the range of 30-40 euros pH pen,It could come handy.I keep my cheap EC,It Is working good.I Hope to not mess things around,even though Coco pro plus and canna A&B should got me covered a bit with bufferings
@Indoornesian @lostinmyhome
Thank you guys.