Calcium deficiency or Lockout?

Canna coco and Coco A+B with hard tap water starting 0.45 EC.
I suspect I have a lockout,or a def.
Would you flush with what?
Lower leaves yellowing and falling off alone.

pH=Always 5.7 to 6.2
Actual EC 1.3
Spots appearing After I tried to correct a low EC runoff of 0.6 in this plant,yellowing at bottom.
So I flushed with Coco A+B at EC 2.0 until runoff=1.7
Spot appeared
Then I changed to 1,4 EC reservoir to not burn the plant.In the meanwhile those appeares.


Try the mg calcium of generwl hydroponics


I don’t know if It Better to flush with a lower EC and reset the values first.I have tap water with 38 Ca and 25 mg content so I think I have a lockout …?

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Make the flush , and after use the mg calcium with ph controled please,and tell us what happen


I ph my water for coco at 5.8-6.0
6.2 might be giving you issues
Also have you checked your Run off numbers?
Ec runoff and ph runoff numbers will give you an idea on what your plants has going on.
Hope this helps
Happy growing


EC runoff at the Moment 1.3
EC going in at the Moment 1.4
I Always check It doesn’t govabpve 6.10 *

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Your ec numbers are ok. If the output is lower than the input it means the plant is eating. I’ve found ec runoff in flower is usually not helpful. Only in veg. It must be all the potassium or whatever the coco releases aka buffer?
I stopped checking ph of runoff because that number is usually not the root zone ph. Need a slurry test for that.
It looks like some heat stress on that crinkled leaf and maybe some phosphorus issue.
I ALWAYS ph to 5.8. I like to keep things constant so you get no problems.
Try staying at 5.8 for now and report back if it gets worse or better


Also check for fungus gnats. I’ve had them in all coco brands I’ve used. I have some now and they are causing similar issues to what you have. The gnats chew on the roots stress the plant causing things that look like deficiencies too


Got those maggots somewhere but not in Coco surface.I got them in the runoff of Just One of two plants in the tent.But Turner out no Flying gnats,only drain flies


consider in your flush you disturbed the balance that was in your coco, typically with corrections just run through your new nutrient water till run off and then leave be and don’t forcefully flush unless absolutely required, just as once your start chasing specifics figures in a quick fashion then plants goes through swings trying to adapt.

Also could of just been low feed initially.


They may be fungus gnats larvae. I use yellow sticky traps to catch the fliers. Nematodes for the larvae (steinernema feltiae).

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Where is a good place in the states for nematodes? Lousy with fungus gnats?

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Yes I think I did that,Will try to slow bring ppms down a bit.But not in One flush,right?

No fungus gnats,I emptied the tent everyday,not even a Little One,I am sure of that since I had It time ago

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more when changing you can just say up your feed, just dont heavily flush them when you do, again though unless needed as sometimes its warranted

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I get nematodes from evergreen growers supply in the us


Thanks Grief, having heck of time with them.

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If I have to flush in coco, I use 1/4 strength nutes for the flush, using 3x the solution as the pot size (1gal pot gets 3 gal flush). 5.8 pH. Then back to normal, keeping a 5.8 pH.

I’m not sure what that means. Maybe try RO water?

I’ve never found reading runoff to be meaningful.


Thank you friend.It actually Means 38 ppm calcium and 25 Mg @HorseBadorites


Gotcha. Still don’t know how to relate to it, lol! Do you know the Total Alkalinity (TA) of your water? Mine is off the chart, and makes it so I can’t use it, and hold a steady pH. I had to get a cheap RO system.

Also what size pots are you in, and what’s your watering/feed schedule. Letting coco dry out can leave salts. Plants don’t like salts a lot. Overly wet, and there’s not enough oxygen for the roots.

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