Help sexing AK47

Day 1 flower, AK47. Is this growing sacs?

It has pretty long leaves and much thicker stems than my other plants. Wasn’t sure if these were male attributes or just the strain.

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I say “too soon to tell,” but that third shot especially is looking a little masculine. Should almost certainly have a solid answer by this time next week.


To soon the leaf spur is a little jacked up but I can’t see any male preflower yet I would give it a week and check. I recently had some ak47xwhite widow and sex didn’t show till well over a week into flower never saw any preflowers either. How many nodes is the pic taken at you need at least Five or six is sort of the magic number I believe!

I’ll play:

I think that the plant in the photos is a male

Stay Hazed,


I agree with the posters above that it is too early to tell. I have grown out many AK47s and the males tend to show quickly (within 5 days of 12/12) while the girls can take over a week to show. You will difinately know way before he blows any jizz to your grow if it’s a male. Just watch it daily.

Healthy and happy looking. :+1:


Hahaha. I check on my plants several times a day so I’ll definitely keep an eye out. Let me put it to you this way, the things that look like they might be male sacs developing, grew overnight… first 12 hours of dark. My other male plants showed very early in their lives, but I have always had my doubts with this one.

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I’ve seen them look just like male parts and go to chop them only to find they spit out a couple little hairs at the last minute. A stay of execution. haha


How many plants total aren’t showing? 70/30 male/female is my guess.

2/3 are showing female.

From seed obviously, so were they all planted same time/day? Are distances between branch nodes larger than the other two? My guess is still male but it’s early yet. Plus, I’ve never grown it, just smoked…


I agree with Blowingupjake. I think the plant is a male, there are no hair like projections on the “leaves?”

How about showing us a pic of the same plant next week…?

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No hairs spotted on this one. I’ll definitely post more pics when I see changes.

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Have you had a gender reveal yet, irrgro?

I was meaning to post last night, hard to get good pics of this one, it’s in the back. Starting to look more like female to me but I’m a noob who knows.

I’v never seen a stipul like those before the mass behide the leaf spur looks abnormal to me but I consider my self a noob still might have a Frankenstein plant there! Guess time will tell, I have a WWx Ak47 that’s pretty mature that hasn’t shown sex yet hopefully it won’t be until September until I find out, keeping fingers crossed though !

Sorry, but my hunch is that you have a boy.
I can’t be 100% certain…the photo is not quite clear enough…but…
The second pic down from the top shows what appears to be the forming of an emerging cluster of male flowers. (A clump of what looks like little footballs…tips forward)

Either way you will be able to tell with certainty in just a few more days at most.

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I’ll keep posting pics as I go, but any/all input is still welcomed.

I won’t be terribly sad if it is a male, I’ve had shit luck with the AK47 seeds/plants I’ve had so far. Plus I accidentally broke a branch on that one that might not heal.

Hard to tell sex at this stage…

But in general, try to get used to have best plants turning male and don’t be sorry… not only males are taller but in my experience they often look more robust and vigorous… simply best looking vegging plants in my garden were 90% males… they have to spurt into height just after switch - that is their role …:wink:

I know it is hard, but kinda fun… right?

Female… with repressed hermaphroditic tendencies.

She/He is wielding her/his power over fools.

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