Question on determining sex

I have Columbia gold and Panama red plus ag growing when they get about 2 ft tall can I turn the lights done to trigger them to show sex than reveg to continue grow or do they have to be mature. Would like to pull clones when they show


By the time they are 2ft tall, even in veg lighting hours, they’ll be showing sex anyway.

Plants will start defining themselves about 21-28 days regardless of light cycle


I start my Sativa seeds on 12/12 then I revegge


You could take cuttings and put them on 12/12 they will show sex in a week or 2

Also once the plant is 4 weeks old or better put them in 12/12 for a few days they’ll start to show sex then reveg them


You can take a shoot from the vegging plant and put it in a glass of water and put that into 12-12.

You get the sex of the plants and uninterrupted vegging into flower.


I believe @ReikoX (?) does a 2 day 12/12 cycle, and then returns to the veg cycle, IIRC that’s enough for them to exhibit their reproductive bits.


Just get a good magnifying glass, and know what you’re looking for. At 2 ft tall they should be easily identifiable.


@Upstate what do you think on this subject Thanx everyone else

3 days 12/12 for equatorials and some varieties don’t show this way they are stubborn so I have been told


Another thing to keep in mind is your container size, keep them small to control stretch when you do flip the lights.


. I’d go to 12 12 before the plants are 2 feet unless you want trees or unless you are gaining them some age and then flowering cuttings… They gain most of their size after the lights are flipped or after they reach sexual maturity and begin flowering.
Sativas showing sex is more age dependent than anything. Some faster sativas will show sex at week 4/ 5 like @Papalag said. Oaxaca is one of these and others take 8 or more weeks. Cg is one of these. Which cg are you growing?


Mine did take a bit to sex . but once they sexed I ran clones and cut the mom down quite a bit


The seeds we got in the co op box for cg


@wny61 Well you scored some real 70’s CG then my friend. As far as growing these, they clearly fall under the " holy shit! are those really all new grey hairs since i started these seeds"? Category​:rofl::joy::rofl::rofl: 24-26 weeks flowering. @Panamajock will be a great help to you. He just harvested a real beauty! You are in for a unique treat even i havent yet had. Where do you live again lol? You could ripen these outdoors…:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:
Be sure to post some pictures in the Central American landrace thread. Which Panama do you have?


Double Panama a friend gave me as my name says I think we are close if it comes to fruitasion I will share lambs ag is back to 70s high, blood shot eyes and the munchies :rofl:


Oh nice. Wonder if yr friend picked it up here on OG? I grew that one a couple years ago and passed out some seed. Some delicious smells in this line and great resin on some phenos.too. i never got to smoke it. I look forward to seeing what you find. Hopefully something good!
How far out in western ny? Can you find “shit on a shingle” at a diner.? Is a coke called "pop?


Yes I believe that’s where he got it from and yes it’s called pop here I am 50 miles south of buffalo on Lake Erie and you can get S.O.S at a diner but not to many


Shouldn’t have to do anything but inspect em close at 4-6 weeks old, males will usually show around 3-4 weeks and females 4-6 weeks, if still nothing after 6 weeks then I’d try one of the above methods but not to often something doesn’t show, prob every 100 plant I grow I get 1 that’s stubborn

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Any guesses here?


Lol, the hell?

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