Help with beginner training or pruning

Btw, Im only a wild country outdoor grower. If yaré indoor, ya must better hear the indoor people advices better as my own advices…Excuse me.

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One Ive already topped, as I only found this forum after, so Ill grow him side by another without topping, it will give me some idea of how th growth is affected. I do a lot of pruning on tomatoes, so i think Im going to try to do similar methods - and aim for a wide canopy.

Okay - update. The plant that had five branches I “topped” about a week ago and then fertized with weakened fish emulsion. Looks ok to me - seems like the side branches are forming - am I right?

Yep, all looks good. You want to treat it like a tomatoe and remove any leaves that can touch the soil. Vector for pathogens and all that.

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Good to know thanks!

Looking good there mac07, stay the course don’t overreact if you see an issue. May I ask how long you are going to veg before you flip to bloom? Just make sure your grow area has enough height for mature plants. Topping, veg time, and pot size are all ways to control height. Count on the plants to grow at least 2X the height they are at the switch. I’d only top it once more, before bloom, that will give you 4 good tops. They say 6 weeks of veg time is ideal for the plant to develop its own true potential in bloom. You r doing fine and remember a new growers most valuable skill is patience. About your tomatoe pruning, do you top the vines or just prune suckers off? Indeterminate tomatoes for me grow 10 ft tall by the fall, I just prune suckers but I will start topping the mains if it will limit the height a bit. What do you do with them?

Thanks for the help - yeah, I was thinking I might give it one more week and then switch to flower. I’ve got a full height room to flower them in, and they’re standing about 12-14" right now, so that should be ok. With the tomatoes I top them after about the fifth branch when they’re seedlings, and then let them go for awhile, and then when I transplant I’ll bury them right to their last set of leaves. After they start blooming I snip off all the vegetation that isn’t a flower, I just leave several leaves on around each flowering branch. Everything else goes. I’ve had bad luck trying to determine suckers versus fruit branches, so I only take the vegetation and it seem to work great. Last year was an enormous haul.

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