Is it too late to lollipop & LST the plant middle of week 5 flower?

My first grow. Dutch Passion Blueberry. Organic soilless media. Currently on day 35 of flowering. I remove dying / weak / blocking / discolored leaves every 4 or 5 days when watering. Not more than 10 or 15 at a time.

Currently the plant is showing some kind of stress as I recently fed it but the bottom huge leaves are still yellowing out. I assume pH issues. Also, there are a couple of larfy bud sites I’d like to get rid off.

Another issue is the canopy is a bit uneven in height. This is causing light burn as the leaves in the middle are a bit bleached and have burnt tips. I want to LST and tie the stems down a bit.

I cannot raise my light more than 6 inches in my current set up. Hence the idea of late lollipop and LST.

I’ve come across people that say not to defoliate or stress the plant after F21 or the stretch period. This strain seems to stress out a bit easily.

My question to the experienced growers: can I still perform lollipopping and LST at day 35 without suffering yield loss due to stress?


I did a heavy defol end of week 2 and end of week 4 no problem I think you will be alright as long as your plants healthy


Are you feeding the plant? It looks hungry to me. You can always lst to open the canopy and level, you can even super crop if you wanted.


Yes you should be totally okay. The yellowing is pretty natural. Tie things down, clear out larfy lowers and clean out big fans from the middle. It shouldn’t cause any extra stress at all in my opinion!


I wouldn’t say it’s natural at day 35 of flower if they aren’t hungry. Like week 7, sure, but barely a month of 12/12? I have to disagree.

OP, what light are you using? How far away is it?

These plants are 4 or 5 days less of 12/12.


She isn’t dying but she isn’t in the best shape either. 80% of the plant looks fine. There are some huge leaves that are getting discoloration every passing day.

@JustANobody yes, I fed twice in the last 2 weeks. A local nutrient mix of Epsom salt, cow manure, rock phosphate, vermicompost, organic compost, banana peel powder and watered with onion peel water and liquid calcium (eggshell powder + vinegar). The same stuff I have used for the past few weeks which has worked well. I believe this is more than sufficient to keep her going. I’m not sure how hungry cannabis gets in mid flower as this is my first grow.

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Totally fair. They’re large plants and about to finish week 5 of flower. I see things fade around that time :man_shrugging:t2: feeding won’t necessarily hurt but I’m not comfortable recommending someone add nitrogen in week 5.


Man that’s a whole lot of stuff. Me personally I add that stuff to the soil when I cook it, and then top dress with a complete fertilizer like Dr earth flower girl. What size pots are they in? Are you cooking your soil before use?

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The plants still need nitrogen, just a lower amount in late flower. Imo.

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Using Philips 12W 3000k bulbs x 8 with domes off. Homemade light fixture. A total of 96W. Light fixture is probably about 7 ~ 10 inches away from the canopy. A bit hard to measure exactly in my tight setup.


I don’t believe the lights are the issue but if you are worried you could bump them up a couple inches, I think you said you had 6 more inches, sorry if I misunderstood.

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I’m not saying they don’t, my friend. I’m just not going to tell someone with questions to fertilize harder with N at week 5 of flower. Especially if that’s the feed… 100w in what size tent? Did I miss it? Light N won’t hurt or anything, my hesitation is it making your finished bud taste less than great. Sorry if I’m causing confusion for you runt

I know the ingredients list is huge, but a lot of them are mixed in the right proportions (Epsom, phosphate, cow manure, potash). Got this form a local garden supply store which has a good reputation in my city. I do not have access to most of the branded stuff available in the first world countries. :slight_smile:

I didn’t cook the soil at the beginning. That’s one of the major reasons I faced a lot of issues for 3 months earlier (feel free to check my previous posts). This plant is on day 143 (yes, I know. lol).

Yes, I have a couple more inches, may be 4 ~ 6 which I can use to bring the fixture up. I’m pretty sure there’s bleaching and slight light burn. This much I have learned for sure from my experience :slight_smile:

@DirtySlowToes The “tent” aka refrigerator sized cardboard box is 2z2 ft. Yes, I’m wary of not feeding ti too much N in flower. Hence I’m using more of P & K organic amendments.

I haven’t pH corrected my 7.x water input till date (thanks to my ADHD). I should soon get on that to eliminate lockout factors.


I bet your next run goes well if you cook the soil. If you haven’t already load up a tub, get it all mixed, water it in, and give it 30-60 days. You will be amazed how easy it can be. The pots need to be large as well, the larger with organics like this the easier it is. I also don’t ph my water. I fill a garbage can and the blumats take it from there.

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Yes sir. Realized this during month 2 of the grow. Lesson learned a bit late this run. But better late than never. I’ll be prepared for the next run :slight_smile: Thanks for the advice.


I think you will be very happy. I use cow crap for part of my soil as well. Once you let it cook for a month or so you’ll be very happy. What size pot are you using?

Oh, the taste is not high on my list. Summer is soon approaching where I am at and I’m pretty sure my dry stage conditions would be very bad (high temp, low humidity, ~95F, ~30% RH).
I’ll be more than happy if I can get a decent yield that’s not full of larfy or airy buds. I’m used to smoking local shwag for 20 years that tastes like ass. So, don’t worry about messing up the taste for me :wink: I’ll take yield over terps for my first grow.


I believe the pot is marked 10 inches. That’s how they are sized and measured here. I’m not sure how many US gallons that is.

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I think it looks like it’ll finish out pretty well. You’re doing a good job :+1:t2: and asking the right questions! A touch of food won’t hurt and lst/pulling some leaves certainly won’t hurt. Excited for your last 30-35 days.

I assume 10 inches wide?


Id go as large as you can, it’ll make life easier. 10 inches looks to be 2.5-3 gal. I would double the volume if possible next run.