Flip to Flower or Wait?

First Grow (2x2) - All 4 are Orange Kush Cake - Ethos. (From Seed)

1 Seed was popped late.

Going to put a scrog day I flip.

Going to move into 3 gallon Fabric 1 week before flip.

Going for six lollipopped budsites on big 3, four on the smallest.

If I move into 3 gallons this week and flip around 7 days after will that fill the tent?

I know it’s gonna be a hassle with 4 plants in a 2x2 but this is what I wanted. Maximum Yield, in a small space, as quick as possible.

Worst comes to worst I take a plant out and throw it outside to make room.

Should I wait longer to flip?

Should I flip sooner?

Edit: Basically trying to find the sweet spot of a full tent but not a mold party. I have two 6” inch fans and a t4 in-line also.

(Day 37 Since Sprout)


For the quickest return go ahead and flower… if you want more yield wait and train them a bit longer… somewhere in between is where I would go


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If you put a net and scrog them it will be a PITA to water them once ahead in flower icon_e_confused|nullxnull, just my 2c … beer3|nullxnull


Why do you say that? It’s only a 2x2?

I have seen that type of scrog with net in small tents but normally they’re octopots or RDWC so no need to water them from the top. Little tents normally don’t have lateral windows to open, so once with the net and tent filled it wouldn’t be easy to water them from the top, that was my guess … beer|nullxnull


They’ll have some more vertical development here shortly. Should have a good gap between canopy and soil.

I plan to heavily defoliate before flower and around day 21 of flower. Should be room for me to reach in and water.

It’s a 2x2x6 and the whole front door opens.

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Looks fine, then you will have to veg them longer so you can put the net high enough to have room below … Arriba|nullxnull


Flipping when your plants are the height of the pot is a good general guideline.


Way too small. You are going to get half a joint from each plant. Id veg at least another month and a half.

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Do you know the stretch of the strain?

I’d fill around 75% of your footprint and flip, let the stretch fill in the rest.

What kind lamp are you running?

Would consider the penetration of the lamp as well. No point growing a 4ft plant if you can only get a foot of penetration.


If it helps this is my 2x2 and I’m going to flip this weekend. These are indica dom plants so I could probably take it a little further even


From what I’ve seen from other peoples grow of this strain it stretches a good bit.

I’m running a sf1000

Talk to me Greasy!!!
Love the pic man!

How long have you been growing in a 2x2?

How many weeks of veg are those?

How heavily/often are you defoliating during flower?

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I’m still a real amateur, but have started to feel like I’m finding my way with indoor growing. I started growing in this 2x2 in June 2020. I definitely rushed my flip on my first few indoor grows, and didn’t love yielding less than an ounce per plant, and having excess space available. I tend to grow Indica dominant plants, so seeing insane stretch hasn’t been a problem for me. These plants have been vegging for 10 weeks. I plan on doing a pretty solid defoliation the day before flip, where I’ll clean up the lowers, and try and give all remaining future bud sites access to light, but don’t strip off every single leaf like some do. Then after week three I’ll remove some additional leaves so that light penetrates, but a lot less than I would have for the first defoliation. Everyone has different results, but I’ve found my plants really respond to defoliation in my environment.


Thanks for the response! You don’t have any issues with pm or humidity with the big girls in the small tent?

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PM hasn’t been an issue for me thankfully, but humidity is always something to be watched. I have 3 fans in there during peak flower time, and an ac infinity fan going on higher settings. I just try and keep lots of air moving and aimed at the plants and hope for the best. I try and time my grows to have my most indica dominant plants finish in the winter/spring, when humidity is consistently lower. I also like to top my plants multiple times so that I get more bud sites, with smaller buds as if I do lose any to mold, it’s less. I think if you have the ability to control the humidity of the room the tent is in with a dehumidifier that would be optimal. I do not have that ability, but I’ve been pretty fortunate so far. My RH at lights off is often around 70% so I know I’m playing with fire.


I usually wait until the plants are showing vertical node growth that alternates versus the symmetrical branching of a sexually immature plante, that’s my sign to initiate 12/12 or 11/13. You’re nowhere near ‘out of room’ for a 2x2, I’ve been growing in that size space for years and you could go another 60 days veg before you really had a problem on your hands.


Love seeing the power of a small tent! Many people advised me not to be too overzealous my first grow and just grow 1 plant, or not to top, but what fun is that right?

Do you have the ac infinity tent too? I’m running the AC 2x2x6 and the AC T4 In-line. SF1000 Light

What light you running in there?

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Hmm, think I should keep topping or stick with what I got?

Also how many times do you think you topped those?