Hey fellow overgrowers

Please, let me start by saying I’m not trying to shame or cause drama or anything negative. I’m curious on one hand and also wanted to throw out a challenge on another. I got an email that my payment failed on something for seeds with overgrow. I started trying to find how or where I paid. I wound up on Patreon and noticed the 2.0 challenge and that we are over half way there. I’m not sure when I started helping with a dollar here and there but apparently I am along with 58 of my OG friends. I guess where I’m going with this thread is a hope or desire to bring awareness to the Patreon goal of 100 supporters. Maybe…some of my fellow OGers are not even aware of how this community is funded….lol me included. I know it doesn’t appear by majic with pixie dust though. How about this… please join me in supporting this great group project: Overgrow. Please, allow me to say that not everyone is able to chip in with money and often folks are shouldering lots of projects for the community already. However, I also bet there’s 42 of us could afford to help with the site financing. If by chance you fall into that blessed category, please join with me and consider helping meet the 100 member supporter goal on Patreon. No matter what, I’m grateful and proud to be an OGer with each and every one of you. I hope this finds y’all in peace and grace with many blessings, Josh


Hey bud, nice thread. Gotta support the site.


I was going to until i saw it was auto repeat payment deal, I have given money directly to LJ before, and I paid $50 for marks ten seeds for the server, but had problems before with auto billing and will never do it again.


Have thrown $20 a month in since sometime in 2018, took a minute to get working cuz my bank is assanine but was able to get it going through PayPal. Well worth every cent to me. Love this place


Yep! Thanks for posting this! I’ve supported since I found OG 2.0 and joined up again. I’ve spent more a month on dumb apps I’ve barely used and I’m on here all the time. Figure it’s the least I can do. Bandwidth ain’t cheap.


Yip, I support as well, used to do it through PayPal, but they kept screwing around, it’s much better now, just taken directly outta my bank account. Isn’t there rewards for supporting the site, like a spring and fall box of preservation runs? Or is that over? I myself have never received one.


the seed runs are mostly based on sign-up’s in their respective threads, and most (but not all) of the seed runs are posted here for sign-up:

some are also posted here:

@Sebring is currently generously in charge of sending out the spring and fall seed run packs, so pay attention to his posts regarding paying for shipping etc… There is a nominal fee for postage and packaging supplies etc.


I thought it was a thing awhile back that if you donated $10 or more, you were eligible for the spring and fall boxes or something like that, but haven’t heard anything about it since M.O.T.R. lost contact with us.
Doesn’t matter to me, I have too many beans as it is now, but was just wondering, as that might persuade more to contribute?
I could be totally mistaken, but I was pretty sure that was a thing.


I’m pretty sure I remember seeing one of the tiers mentioned free seeds, but never bothered to look into it. There’s more than plenty floating around here or in most cases it’s more like those cartoons where a character would ask for something and suddenly their just covered in a small mtn of said thing(in this case seeds).

Just reread and if it makes sense awesome