High Times Subscription

I was wondering… does anyone out there have a print subscription to high times magazine? I had one a couple years ago and they only sent about 8 of the 13 they said they would send monthly. For the past year their page to buy a subscription has been down so i don’t know where to get them.


We are currently not taking new Magazine subscriptions, please check back in 2-3 weeks!

Thank you for your support!

Thats what I found out…kinda weird they aren’t taking any more subscribers…


Pirate Bay you will find whatever you need


i appreciate the link, but i’m really looking for hard copies.

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i could probably find some at flea markets for a couple bucks. i lost my main collection years ago which i’m not too happy about. i picked up and was gifted a few here and there.

They’re loosing money on hard copy, they sooner do on-line content.

The direction of the mag has changed over the years. What was once ‘guerrilla underground’ has morphed into just a corporate rag with some ‘window dressing’.




yeah, i don’t disagree

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I remember waiting these to hit the shelves, and then the interwebs happened.
I still have a pile of old ones sitting in a box somewhere…


I remember when they first came out…
WOW, it was hard to land a copy…
They were coveted and only passed around to trusted friends,

The articles from the hippy hash trails through the middle east were inspiring. Jumping off in Turkey and heading towards Afghanistan. Working through the Hindu Kush to Bhutan… inspiring.
Temple balls vs Lebanese hash… Tales from the Golden triangle were like modern stories about Allan Quartermain & King Solomin’s mines.

Now I’m just another ‘old fart’ complaining that the magic is gone :rofl: :+1: :peace_symbol:



i had a reeeaally old copy in my collection, it was missing the cover on it but such a disappointment to lose it.

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I used to subscribe for years and I still have some somewhere that I haven’t even opened yet…

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I actually am a co owner of a popular sports magazine that printed for 10 years. The costs of printing for even 25 thousand subs mailed a month got out of control around 2012 when we stopped producing the physical magazine. We went to a all digital and live stream event format around 2010 and have not looked back. We decided that printing last months news in the day of instant communication was a dinosaur. What I learned since is that people still want that physical magazine in hand to have laying around to look at.
I also agree High times sold out to the same destructive force of devils that took over the rest of the Worlds good things. I would never buy another copy. The fight is real.


I remember reading one HT that talked about smoking cobra venom , some weird stuff.

if you want a serious magazine about growing (and weed in general), check out GROW

If you order straight through them it is pricey, but if you do a search online you can find deep discounts on annual subscriptions and renewals

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