Higrade Tester

So I have been using my Higrade tester for a couple months, checking the dispensarys THC and I have to say, this thing is dead on 99 percent of the time.
Decided to see what my live buds are testing out at. They are only 4weeks into flower. So can’t wait to test at the end.



I’ve got one of those too, and it does seem pretty damn accurate, not bad for the price :+1:


Well that’s just interesting as fuck! Had quite a few strains last year I was curious what kinds numbers I was reaching seeing maybe 3 out of the 50 that may have been pushing that 30%+, but I was to damn cheap to send in for testing but that gadget would be awesome

So 70 bucks and I can test all my weed…



In case anyone else’s interest is piqued like mine was… allow me to save you a few minutes of searching and reading:


This actually works??

…I laughed it off when I first saw it… :thinking:



I’ve looked into this as well…wrote it off as BS! But…never knew anyone who’s actually used one before.

Got my interest…

Testing up here in AK is insane expensive…need a alternative.



How can they tell the THC content from a photo?

By the way that clip on magnifier for your phone you can buy the EXACT same one at Kmart for a couple of dollars.


I would say they have a HUGE database of strains and pics of pests, mold, males, females. and whatever else they claim to identify etc… and when you take a few pics and then tell them what strain it is maybe they take a sum of averages that’s why it’s always “close”.

They would have AI scanning the images that’s what gives the pests mold etc readings

There’s no way you can replace lab testing for cannabinoids with a couple of happy snaps. I’m not a scientist, lab tech or anything but … really?

Clever marketing though but it’s a huge database and they would also be buying data from labs to be able to do this.

Having said all that if you’re after an about it could work but know that it would only be averages from lab data and breeder data not your home grown bud. :slight_smile:



It is clearly a scam.


A question Higrade Tester. It normaly is the case that difrent parts of the plant that are at diffrent levels away from the light usualy end up showing diffrent results. Have you tried an noticed this yourself by any chance by testing plants.

Has anyone tested a reveg plants buds comparing it to the original buds to see if there’s a difference in potency ? Just curious as I reveged twice in the past and felt the reveg buds lacked the punch that the original grow had


I call BS. Pictures lie. Anyone ever used Tinder? :rofl:


Plant.id machine learning app can identify plants by the color and shape of leafs… But identifying THC %? That’s a lot different… I doubt there can be 99% success rate… (Maybe like 10% :slight_smile: )


I’d be very pleased to be proven wrong. If it’s true, I’d get one.


Betting it uses trichome heads x area to come up with a figure


Maybe we could try to trick it by taking a pic of some hash?


If their testing by pictures it must be that their just matching the pictures an the strains to some library database they must have of strains. No way they can be accurate through pictures. Even the different actual sample methods used can give different results, so how they make out they can get accurate results via pics i dont know.


I’ll do that when I get home, just for fun, but like the OP said… I have also tested dispo weed and the numbers are actually pretty fucking close. And let’s not forget this is no GCG, so it’s not perfect but for the home test, it’s pretty good.

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And yes it scores differently depending on where you shoot the pics, inside the flower usually scores higher than the outside ime.

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Gas testing method usually gives different results to liquid test methods as gas burns some of the cannabinoids . So even that method aint as accurate as it should be an thats hands on in a lab, never mind using pictures.


Put up a sample of your own grown bud on this pic method, an then how would you even know the results are accurate if your not then sending the same sample off to a lab to verify the results ?