Higrade Tester

Believe nothing you hear and only 1/2 of what you see! :call_me_hand:

You can get a mini microscope/camera with Wi-Fi capabilities on Amazon/Ali for $10-15 or so, and that’s definitely not the cheapest out there, just easy. You’re paying to send pictures to their AI and estimate the cannabinoid content based on trichome coverage. @JoeCrowe does the same thing at home with his microscope, and the rest of us can just destroy our samples extracting and judge from the yield. :wink: This isn’t really new tech, it’s just good marketing imo.

yah, it validates an idea I had about more trichomes being a good thing. Experimentally proven, as well. I can use auto counting software on the image, but I prefer to do it human style. One…Two…Three :crazy_face:


I have some nice dry land for sale in Fl! :rofl:

Great to know, there is nothing new you guys can learn, I figured out who the people on here that are just the smartest trolls, and know who not to listen to.
This is for the people who want to learn and have an open mind.


Id love to test my home grown.
Cheaply lol
Thx for sharing All the info + your personal experiences+ research.

May just order one lol…

Thc % always mentioned…

But maturity of trichomes plays a large role in the effect of the Thc?

So is it just how much of the plant material in the photo is covered in ttrichome heads ?

Can we see some more photos of samples of 17-30% ??? :blush:

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Here are some of the ones I’ve tested, some of them are home grown and some like. The 26 ThC was trucker I tested for a friend.

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See . . . My eye doesn’t corelate with those pics …some of the 20s look like 25.
Even whitewidow looks 20+


Really appreciate your time dude.
So tasty lookin though.

Is there. Subscription costs for the online database? And you can access your results anytime ?

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For the 70 bucks you get a years worth of online access including plant evaluation and if they are sick they’ll let you know what’s wrong. Haven’t personally had to do that so not sure how that works.


I said the same thing about the pictures, but all the people that smoke the buds, have said the high seems to match the numbers so who am I to argue.
There have been 5 other smokers that have been helping me test the smoke to the numbers.
I don’t tell them the numbers just have them rate it 1 to 15.
Figuring 18 to 30 on the THC.


Weird! I had the exact opposite experience with my higrade tester. It was never even close to the lab #s.

There was a spot on their website at one point that said “not comparable to lab tests”… I think it was in the FAQ section.

Maybe I had a defective one?.. I used it for over a month before returning it.

Wow, that sucks, sounds like yours must have been defective. How were they about a refund? I haven’t dealt with that either so would be interested in the outcome.

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Initially they were not interested in giving me a refund. They asked me to return it & pay the shipping and if it was deemed “defective” by them I would get a full refund.

I escalated to the next person and managed to get a full refund without any of the nonsense. They still wanted me to return it & pay the shipping but I said I’m not paying another dime so they let me keep it. I threw it away tho, it was no good.

A bit of a run around but I did get a full refund in the end :slight_smile:

One thing that bothered me about the device was the poor quality. The physical piece you got was absolute junk. I mentioned that to them and was told the price you pay is for the app more so than the device but I didn’t find that acceptable for the cost. I had little faith in it & was proved right after my experience. Glad it’s working for others but I could never confidently tell anyone the THC content based on that. I’d have been lying and I’m not into being misleading :frowning:

Glad to hear you got your money back.
Nothing sucks more to get something defective and lose money to.
That happened to me on some grow lights, they came in broke and they refused to give me a refund

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Yeah I understand that, I had been sceptical when I got it, that’s why I wanted a control run on as much dispensary product as I could to see if the numbers matched up. For me it did but I am an avid grower and smoke only occasionally so know enough people to put a control group together to test if the people smoking it is inline with the numbers before I gave it my seal of approval on here. As I said it matched the numbers from the Dispensary and the people smoking it is why I put it up here.
I know sending it in to get lab tested can get expensive and was hoping it would help people out if I got it and took time to test it out :relaxed:.
I am going to continue to match the numbers as I go, that seems to be the best way to make sure it atleast accurate to what the Dispensary says😊.

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One day we’ll have at home lab testing kits :slight_smile:

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I’m looking forward to that my friend.