History of Overgrow.com

Welcome @scrogathon . There is a thread dedicated to members of the original OG. Pop in there and see if you recognize any of the names. :v:


Welcome back.

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There was the tor program, the start of the dark web. But hell yea those where the days no doubt. Internet was so much different


It sure is good to be back,even if its a new sig.

Joined back in the days 2000.
Left when it went down on my birthday of all days .

Its good to see some old faces from the past.

Still about, the place.


Welcome to Overgrow @Hashy.


Hey @Hashy, Welcome to Overgrow 2.0!
I was lurking ‘back in the day’, yeah, it was a rude surprise when it was …gone…



Welcome @Hashy , check put the thread I posted above. May find some other original members you recognize :v:


Welcome back to OG @Hashy!


Thanks Prince Gpaw DougDawson Tejas.

You are not wrong Gpaw it went on jan the 31 2006 .The reason i know that day so Well Its my Birthday I was so pissed off all their was was a sign from the bloody RCMP.

Typical Only reason i ever got online and bought my first pc.Was

Because i found Overgrow back in 2000 by chance while browsing on a m8 pc.I still keep intouch with one m8 which i meet from their tow this day.We have been to the Dam twice together.

I had the pleasure to meet many other members from back in the days at a ic cup just after OG and CW went down.

It came back to me the other night.Just like that , haidier was my old OG name.

Tis good too see some old faces still about Uncle Ben Hippy chick.

Does their happen to be a Old Overgrow pic thread on this site.So if any folks still have any old pics .From back in the days they are all posted on it.

The reason i ask is i have looked but cant find a thread like that.As i have a shite load of old pics from the old Overgrow.Alot of my old ones from on their and many others still.Which i had saved.


Thought this should be here too so more people can see it. The OP is @Calyxander, great find and a better read.
Thanks for this


@Hashy welcome back brother I remember the day it went down as well :heart:

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Thank you sd9007
Tis good to be back to my old home.

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