Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I haven’t jumped into the biochar thing myself, I’m pretty content with how I’ve been doing things and don’t really plan on making changes for now.

But you can make your own, essentially you want to burn wood (hardwood? I’m not sure) in the absence of oxygen. So I think it’s like get it burning and then bury it and let it smolder away, leaving porous chunks of carbon. From there I believe you want to inoculate and charge it with organisms and nutrients.


Right on target, its going to be a build (burn/bury) over the summer. Next year kind of application…
When a recipe is found I’ll post it for sure. Thanks again Bro


Thanks for the tip @HolyAngel
I got this possibly PH locked plant strung up like a puppet & it looks better not all flopping around :+1:


I got some odd serrations on 1 of my O Haze, I’ll post a pic in a bit


Right On!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Definitely let me know when you do! Looking forward to seeing how those do, along with the northstar of course :wink:

You were right on these Maple Leaf Mazar’s being ready, they’re taking right off now! I should be able to take clones in a week or so.


Sorry my pics are never all that great. O haze on the right. Not double serrations but I remember thinking the serrations looked cool before I saw your comment in this thread about o haze.

Northstar are freaking killing it. Debating whether to flower the seed mothers out after up potting vs flowering small clones. A few of the clones are gonna take a minute bc they were slow to root. Seed mothers are nice tidy bushes in those small square pots like what the maple leaf x mazar was in. I guess same as what’s in these pics.


Looks like you got a couple double serrations coming in!

I find it can sometimes take up to the 5th node or so to show, and doesn’t always show on every leaf either ^^

All the NS I ran only stretched ~2x if I remember correctly :thinking:


You have a better eye than I!


TriForce #1 - Triangle Kush x Kryponite #2 | Kryptonite = (NL2 x NL1HP)

Color adjusted pic

Single flower Close-up

This stuff is fantastic! Drying out to a Sour, Lemon/Citrus, Gas, and Kush smell. Absolutely loud af. Had my eyes watering while trimming. High is kind of like a TK-Lite. No forehead sweating, no racy/paranoia but definitely high af off the first hit. Not up, definitely not down. Just chilled the f out herb without any couchlock. Completely functional. I haven’t been able to finish more than a bowl/bong in one sitting so unsure on the ceiling exactly but it doesn’t seem low :sweat_smile: She’s not quite as potent as the Triangle Kush mom is, but it’s probably better for an any day/any time smoke than the TK is, and especially for anyone not familiar with the TK’s strength. I ended up getting 2 jars off that one 3.5ft tall plant I topped once. Not the best yield but definitely not horrible by any means. Going to have to run 2-4 of her on the next run or two because I want some more! This was the fastest plant of the 4 I ran as well, these flowers were taken at 9 weeks.

TriForce #2 and #3 are also really good but #2 is likely getting tossed along with the #3 that’s already gone. It’s going to come down to choosing between the #1 and the #4 imo. Will have writeup’s for the #2 and #3 over the weekend here and the #4 sometime next weekend since she still needs to dry… NorthStar #4 too :wink:


I wonder if it’s the Thai genes in TK that accounts for these traits?
Long internodes, stretchy, likes higher heat. etc.


I’m still not sure thai is even in there or not. Was pretty sure that paki x thai story has been debunked too. I think the TK might just be nl2 x kush but :man_shrugging:


Gorgeous plants! Always a treat to see your work w different strains.

This “crystal castle” of your NorthStar #4 is my favorite.


Ok interesting, i learn something new every day.


Damn that looks awesome! Effects sound great - taming the forehead sweats sounds positive to me :rofl:


Wow :drooling_face: sounds like some killer smoke


Fan-fucking-tastic Holy! :clap: :star_struck:


@HolyAngel You’re closer to making the Triangle in seed form than anyone I’ve seen so far. I think you’re right about the NL2 being in there seeing how well they blend without straying far off from the TK physical characteristics. Just figure the potency part out that you said was missing and you’re golden. Great work, you never see this level of documentation and communication of information with breeders selling $100+ packs.


U may already know this… but to get the full benefits of azomite just make sure you use some kind of humic acid product. That’s what I was always taught. I like BioAg Ful-Humix as it’s cheap and I like their products. I’ve heard people with worm bins say their added worm castings supply the humic acid they need… but I’m no worm farmer and not one of these no till people. I try to make due with what I can get at the hydro shop.


Thanks for that MD, I have a couple of options… ; GPH from Green Planet is in use