Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Bleached the tent. Replaced the 4x HLG QB288 RSpec’s for the GrowLightScience Pro Grow 640. Scrubbed down and bleached the tray as best as I could with it being almost freezing out and neighbors. Scrubbed and bleached the reservoir. Took apart the pumps and cleaned everything and put them back together. Set everything back up. Uppotted the HPK’s, TK, and JJ’s and moved them and the SSDD F2 girls I uppotted the other day in here to start the next flower run

Everything is getting hit with the SSDD F2 #4 Male as long as it remains stable. I know the SSDD F2 #1 girl and the TK are stable, but it’s the first time running everything else.

Here’s better looks at the SSDD F2 female’s that will be making the F3 beans.
SSDD F2 #1

SSDD F2 #2

SSDD F2 #7

I’m expecting this JJ’s Nigerian Haze to take off here.

It’s probably the fastest growing cut I have. Longest internode spacing too. Root growth above average.

Along with the two 91 Hollywood Pure Kush’s, this cut is almost as vigorous.

And then the Triangle Kush I’ve had in a corner.

Was hoping to have at least two to put in here but she is such a pain to root.


Should be cool to see how the HLG and GLS compare. From watching the Migrow channel I know that GLS has one of the best efficacys. Awesome warrenty on them too.


Nice male
Is that a angel trumpet

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Ha, yeah kinda looks like it now that you mention it!
Here’s updated pics of the male. Just discovered I might’ve had a timer mixup on him but not positive. Regardless, he’s doing good so far.


So far so good with this GrowLightScience ProGrow 640

Put it at 500w and stuck it towards the top of the tent to see how it goes.

Likely need to lower it a bit, but temps staying ~5 degrees cooler than the 4x QB288 RSpec boards I was running in here before at 450w. Need to pick up an extension cable to move the driver outside the tent. SSDD F2 #1 girl still a bit pissed off from the uppot. Forgot to put a layer of perlite on the bottom of the SSDD pots but remembered for everything else :sweat_smile: Oh well, shouldn’t make much of a difference, she’ll pick back up here in a couple more days. :muscle:

I’ll need to double check my numbers as I don’t have them in front of me but this dimmer goes in 5 steps from 0% (20% increments) which I was not expecting. I thought it’d be full 0-100% not 20% steps. Possibly my only gripe with this light but oh well.
This should be close enough:
Step 1 = 0 watts
Step 2 = 128 watts
Step 3 = 244 watts
Step 4 = 370 watts
Step 5 = 500 watts
Step 6 = 640 watts

Again, I set the light on Step 5, 500watts. @Jetdro You didn’t happen to get a PAR chart or anything did ya? Would love to know what PAR is at 12/18/24 inches on the 500w setting if possible. If there’s any other settings you wanna do that’s up to you but anything would be super appreciated :heart:


Looks great. What temp do you prefer to run lights on/off? I’ve been doing 78 (off) 83 (on).


I don’t want to run the tent hotter than 80 degrees if i can help it. Would prefer 77ish which is about where its staying right now with this progrow 640. I was hitting 82-84’ish with the HLG boards. I’m a firm believer in “leds need higher temps” = complete bullshit bro science or not meant for modern (samsung lm301+) leds.


So you want par at 12 18 24 inches at 80 Percent power ???


Like I said in a post before , just SILLY putting l leds at top of tent , your par is rediculous

At 80 percent power , 12 inches is 880 par
At 18 inches it is 600 par
At 24 inches your 250 par

So all you growers running your leds 3 foot off canopy are throwing 100 par IF YOUR LUCKY


I run them 15 to 18 inches off MAX . I know where I want par readings at each stage .

Only time light is more than 18 inches is last week or two of flower I’ll raise it


Thanks for being so blunt on the topic @Jetdro
Thats what I need.

With a small gap in distance between plant / light, do the plants not read a higher Temp than the Room?

Or do you just live by the Par readings and let’r go?

Thanks, sorry if I keep running this topic over, but I’m real close lol


I have found under the LED my plants do not do well unless the temperature is at least 80°
I have a huge amount of air movement in the tents


Okay That I can understand. I have air moving within the tent with 2 small fans, one blowing up from the floor, one making it swirl. Definitely not a lot of fresh-air exchange…

ie: my room (small tent: 32”x32”x72”only exhausts when the R.H. % hits the alarm point

And I guess I do need a Par meter for my own environment.

Whats probably going to be the best action for me, is to change out the exhaust fan, to a really quiet one I have in the other tent, and get a steady, consistent low-flow exhaust going… I am running zero exhaust now unless RH spikes, so thats a positive

Then slowly start lowering the light a bit.
Just downloading Photone app onto the phone… (best I can do now)

I’m doing it, there will be bumps. Intensity comes with heat. I’ve got to get rid of it…


Yeah I haven’t noticed a difference on growth rate when it comes to temp… 72+ seems fine. I have noticed much denser, non foxtailing, flowers though, if I keep the temp below 78 degrees. Above 78 and everything foxtails at the end. Below 78 and never foxtails.

Thank you very much for that!:heart:
So do you run the lights at 100% and 18inches off the top of do you run less wattage at that height? And you’re using co2 too right? So I probably want at least 100 less par than whatever is working for you… 18-20inches at 80% power sound right?



Right now week 3 of flower , lights are only at 60 percent , 750 to 800 par . I’ll ramp it to 1000 plus par in next 3 weeks .

Not sure height , maybe 15 inches or so

2 advantages to the leds , less power less heat


Lights on their heads with less heat …a win
Lights at lower power because tight….a win

95 % run them at 100 percent top of tent . Why

Don’t ask me , guess they have no clue about par or never checked it . My lights , top of tent , at 100 percent would be horrible and grow LARF And 1to 2 z plants .

Lower the damn light , lower the power level .

Where are you at it’s the plants under it? Just starting veg , middle veg , going to flower ???

My numbers for reference are :
Cuts/clones 350 to 400
Seedlings lol Dixie ladies 400 to 450

In octos during early veg. 500 to 600
Later in veg. 550 to 700

First 3 weeks of flower 700 to 800
Weeks 4/5. 850
Weeks 6/7/8. 1000 to 1200
Weeks 9/10. 800

Height until week 9 of flip is never more than 18 inches . 13 to 15 inches works best for me .
90 percent of the time I’m at 15 inches .

If you have an iPhone get the Photone app to give you par . I checked it against an industry standard meter and it’s right on .

I went bar style so I could throw real even par numbers over my 4 x 4 area . So I could put it on their heads and lower wattage .

Hope you like it


Thanks for the specific Apple comment on the Photone aPP. Music :musical_score: to my Ears Brother

Who cares what the % is on the lamp, Set a height, use the % control and read the Par…

I just spent a couple weeks chasing a Delta T between room and leaf… FEELING THERE IS MORE !
I’m uploading the Photone app, will keep you posted.



i’m first week of flower so 700ish is where I need to be by the sounds of it. Thankfully I had a spare iphone8 (i mainly use android) so i just set it up and got the photone app and paid the $6 to use it with full spectrum leds. Will check things out tonight once I get home.

I was one of them put the leds at the top and run em as maxed out as I could. least had it dialed in enough with this tray that I never got larf. Maybe some dense popcorn at the bottoms, but yeah 2 jars per triforce girl. 4 jars for the milky ways, likely get 6 jars off that northstar #4.

Thanks for the numbers and info! Hopefully between that and this app i’ll have things perfect :ok_hand:


Go for a 14 gauge cord if you can find a reasonably priced one… You want to keep the copper losses as low as feasible as they get added to the LED forward voltage.

Yes, I dislike that as well, just give me a 100K pot and I’m happy…



Dimmer makes no difference . The 5 levels and height adjustment of the light will give you ANY PAR VALUE you desire .

Running led without a par meter (6 damn bucks ) is like weighing yourself without a scale , your just guessing .

Why use 100 power at 3 feet when 20 power at 14 inches produce the exact same thing


You will do better and sleep better knowing your light levels . Save A BUNCH OF POWER too .

So you don’t go nuts , set your par level at outside edge of canopy not from middle out .

Figure your farthest away plant , set the par where it’s acceptable . THEN check dead middle . Balancing game here depending upon your canopy size and tent size . I set it so that far plant has at least the par level I want , say 700 , and middle is not too far out of whack . Don’t want 400 at edges 850 in middle . Power level and height off canopy dictates this .

Tent makes diff too . I see 150 average higher par per area in my small 4x 4 , compared to same light in my 5x10 . Reflection makes a huge difference it seems .

Readings I gave you were in my 4 z 4 Tent 2

In my 5x10 par at 24 inches and 80 power is 141!!! Yeah

Use your meter , your smart nuff to understand what’ I’m saying and how to make it work for you .

Environment plays roll too it appears . My plants , all of them , went into like slow mode at temps under 78 . Might be my big airflow in the tents. At 72 they stalled . 82 they explode .

Could be my cultivars too .