Holy's Garden (Part 1)

oh i know u dont bite your tongue lol. i fell into the trap of looking for something new and helping out a bud test them. good news is the GG4 cross are impressing me might find a keeper in there !

i really am just waiting to get jets wedding cake one day and run that 15 plants at a time lol


Yeah, we all have fell into the “Bruh, IT’S FIRE X FIRE, IT’S GONNA BE EPIC BRO!” trap. Once is enough :sweat_smile: Then you learn.

Pz :v:t2:


Aren’t “balls” and “nanners” different, though? They look different to me.

I had a plant grow like ten sacs (balls, whatever you wanna call them) on the lowers a few years ago, like three weeks in. Plucked them, everything was fine after that. But the last grow, a couple plants grew nanners (or whatever their actual scientific name is) that grew right in the middle of the flowers (and apparently everywhere else, too, but I didn’t notice those until I had chopped, dried and started trimming) and there was no stopping them, no matter how much I plucked. The more I plucked them, the more showed up.

Seems like they’re a different thing, but I really don’t know.


No that seems like a fair distinction. The ones I mention were balls.


Speak for yourself haha…


Nanners are the anther only, without the staten(balls) surrounding them. They are usually way worse then balls because they directly release pollen to the surrounding and do not need to be actived(opening of the staten(balls)). If you see nanners you should carefully spray that plant with water and then remove it from the room/tent.

Pz :v:t2:


Haha yeah! Some are better to not fall for bad marketing. 🫣

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah, I was pretty sure “nanners” was shorthand for anthers (even though they’re both two-syllable words). “Anthers” was actually an answer on Jeopardy! last week and I was like,”I know this one!” haha.


I thought “nanners” is short for bananas because they look like a little bunch of bananas poking out of the cylax.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Mhm. And who doesn’t love bananas?

Anyway, that’s it, I’m done for the day haha… Sorry, Holy.




ya i wet my fingers when i plucked a few but when i chopped the dante’s had so many more i found when turning upside down. lets just hope nothing is pollinated. or this almost perfect run will be a huge waste lol,

if they were balls i would have stuck with them. but anthers/nanners i knew was alot more worry some.


You can always finish the run after the transvestites is removed and make bubble hash of it all if it has a lot of seeds :wink: It’s not ideal, but atleast it’s not a total waste of time. I hope you’re lucky and that those nanners are sterile!

Pz :v:t2:


oh man ,that suck! feel your pain!!! :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


Man, it’s been 3 days already?

Everything is getting bushy again. SSDD girl is pissed off but she’ll make it :muscle:
Tempted to toss the Black River OG #4. She’s not stretching for shit, just gonna be a round little bush. I don’t like it :sweat_smile: Kinda wanna put another bubba kush or TK or maybe the Bandaid Haze Church cut in its place… I did up pot the #3 girl on the left tho and took an extra clone :heart_eyes: She’s loud and pretty with great structure.

yes but the end result is the same, compost pile. I should just go toss that chem d cut right now :thinking:

I’d honestly rather see balls at ~3 weeks than deal with nanners. As has been said before, Its easy to spot balls on the lowers and remove them before they start opening and releasing pollen. Nanners are a different form of hermaphroditism and sometimes are easy to spot and sometimes not. Late nanners that stick out of the flowers are pretty obvious but other times they’re hiding at the base of the lower to mid level flowers, or more rudely, inside of the flowers at mid to top level in the plant :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Those latter one’s are much harder to spot. You wonder why hairs are changing even though you don’t see anything. So you go pull apart some flowers and bam, nanners inside :angry:

Regardless, by the time you see the nanner, pollen has already been released. That’s the big issue with them. The nanners are a slightly different form of exactly what is inside the male ‘ball’, only they tend to come out of a bracht instead. If you see a ‘female’ plant with more than 2 hairs sticking out of a bracht, like 3 or 4, it’s likely at least partially male. When Males herm they throw brachts with 3-4+ hairs, not two like normal females do.


I agree sneaky little bastards that by the time you spot them it’s too late.


Right, that was kind of the point I was trying to make. Like I said, the plant I grew that developed sacs (Starkiller), I saw those right away, pulled them off around week three and nothing else ever showed up. More importantly, nothing got seeded.

But the nanners I found on that Chocolate Blitz plant last grow were relentless. I was plucking them every time I watered from like day 40 until I finally said,”Fuck this,” and chopped her a couple weeks later. I found some seeds while I was trimming “her” and I expect to find more once I start blazing that one, too.


Yeah that’s been my experience as well. Once the nanner’s start showing up, they’re not stopping.

The balls at the start can sometimes just be hormonal issues in the plant. Later clones don’t do that, type thing, but I still throw it in the compost :sweat_smile:


And another dantes inferno added to hermie heaven along another i forget down to 14 from 20


It’s been 8 days since the flip

Everything’s lookin good! Still really tempted to toss this BROG #4 on the front right.
its so tiny and bushy :see_no_evil: feel like i’m wasting my time. I don’t want something i gotta veg for months before I can get a reasonable weight off it.

I feel the same way with the BROG #1 male on the left here

Its not short and bushy but just something about it I don’t really like. I do like the blade separation in the leaves on the #1, reminds me of nl2 or kush but that’s about the only thing it has going for it. I do really like the #2 on the right though. Kind of a nicer blend of the two parents. Its slightly louder, and it knows its a male for damn sure. Balls comin in nicely. Still getting weird looking shit on the #1 so… my fingers may get snippy over the next couple days…