Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Thanks for the compliment there @204medismoke, they’ve been a Dream to grow


You would :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Black River’s and the Bubba are already starting to flower, hasn’t even been two weeks yet.

Bubba Kush


Can see the bulbous trichomes covering the leaves, especially that BROG #4
She just has me worried with her structure. Seen sooo many plants that look like her, herm in my setup. She is extremely bushy too. Literally needs defoliated again but I’m scared to do so for fear of herms lol. Soon as we hit 21 days and still stable, I’ll up pot her and see. Until then :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

I feel the same way on this BROG #1 male. Really waiting for the herms to pop out, but he looks nice

It’s almost like he was more salmon river in veg and is now more sugar black rose in flower. He’s not stretching as much. The flower structure on him also has me worried on him being a herm. Just seen it so many times, but so far so good here too. If he his stable I will probably use him just because. I still like the #2 much better though.

He’s like the reverse, little more sugar black rose in veg, shorter/squatter. But is stretching out like a nice kush in flower. Leaves are a nice blend. Structure is solid male. Just looks really nice. I looked at him this morning and was like ‘man… i need to take another clone to make sure i save this dude’ and when I went to put it in the cloner, there was already one there from a couple days before of doing the same thing :sweat_smile: Stuff like that is how you know it’s good :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: The plant talking to you.
Here’s the group male shot, 1 on left, 2 on right

In other news, I thought this was a neat comparison

Also, the stem rub of the bubba kush is in the stem rub of my ssdd girl there.
She gets it from her momma :muscle:
That BROG #3 has a totally different stem rub though, despite the leaf similarities :thinking:


Those serrations are sexy AF! :drooling_face: which bubba is it again 98 or Berger cut? I found the same with SSDD stemrubs at Mikes years back, I kept saying “she’s all bubba “ he disagreed! I’m showing him this! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


The Bubba Kush I’m running is the Berger cut aka ‘original’ pre98 aka pre93 if i remember all the stories right.

That Black River OG #3 is that same Bubba Kush cut x Blue Heron #111 crossed to Black Domina BX1 x Critical Bilbo aka Critical Mass cut.

The SSDD is that same Bubba Kush cut x Blue Moonshine crossed to Appalachia.

Similarities for damn sure :sunglasses:


I was always confused as profP writes it as pre98bubbaog so it’s always had me wondering if it was pre-98 or 98/OG combo


I didn’t know critical bilbo was critical mass, learn something everyday :face_with_monocle: good to know


Got theses on a trade think they are good medical strains with bubba dominant plants
I lost bubba will have to get her back
Will be trying the pure Kush that’s very close to bubba but a little sweeter on the nose lots say she has good medical benefits


Oh nice! :heart_eyes: Yeah I bet those will be great!

If you’re in the States, I can probably get her back to you in a few weeks if you haven’t by then :wink:


I appreciate that I need to send out gmo to few people she’s pretty good for sleep and appetite I think because she takes so long 80 days or more I was very happy with her


Ah I see what you mean

But I guarantee it’s the same Matt Berger cut of Bubba Kush. It’s Bubba aka NL, crossed to OG Kush. Can see and smell the OG in her 100%, but she’s bubba too. So I can see why he would call her ‘OG Bubba’, he’s had her basically since she was found. It’s just the same as calling her ‘Bubba OG’, I mean, ‘Bubba Kush’ :wink:


@HolyAngel I smoked a small premature nug of each plant yesterday. This is my finding so far, Triangle kush kicks ass! Every single one of the TK plants I got is so strong, even now! I can feel the triangle kush effects from the wedding cake but it’s way muddier and diluted so I’ll probably toss the wedding cake after I’m done with them. The ghost OG is not as strong in effects as TK, but the terps are insane, best of the bunch. So my idea atm is to cross the Ghost OG x Guerilla fume i got on the way, to triangle kush and see if I can get that strength and increase the terps of triangle kush :wink:

Pz :v:t2:


Hell yeah dude, that’s my experience too!

TK x (Ghost x GF) sounds fantastic!


Up-potted the SSDD and Black River OG #4 girls yesterday.
Most of the plants are in full blown flower mode at 12 days into 11.5on/12.5off :eyes:
Really not expecting that. Usually go to at least 19 days or so. Males getting ready to drop pollen soon…

I was looking at the BROG #3 that is the favorite girl, she’s right next to the SSDD and, I couldn’t get over how similar these leafs are! Please excuse my poor paint skills :sweat_smile:

Brog #3 in dark green

SSDD F2 #1 in light green


Once I can get in there and defoliate a bit, i’ll do it again with the actual leaves instead of all digitally :sweat_smile:

Black River OG males #1 and #2 respectively


Oh, loving the double jagged edges on the brog! Happy to see that everything is going as planed my friend, rock on :metal:t2::fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Very cool! Looking great bro


Suppose you guys want a full tent shot :yum:

12 days later

Currently flooding twice a day, once 30min after lights on, and again 30 minutes before lights off.
~2.3 EC / ~5.85PH


Very nice bro! Gotta smell real good in there!


Just smelling kinda sweet so far. Nothing yet, but then will be now soon :sunglasses:


Ohh! Bushy ladies, that’s what we like to see!:sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:


The way the SSDD and BROG leaves look so similar would make me think well of it. Guess the smells will be more evident when flower formation is a little more developed and the differences in buds are revealed.