Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Herbie told me to post here. Thats my old school og cut. Its been going since the early 90s. Its all i want to grow now due to the complete lack of stretch. Heres a close up of it finished. Hope you enjoy it.


That’s a closeup of outdoor pictured above.


Clones in solo cups getting real unhappy and crowded heat creeps to 80s humidity 70s no fan in tent trying to get new one but no room for what i have now. Is this cal mag deficiency?


For sure mag deficiency :thinking: What are you feeding exactly?


4 2 1 jacks left over water from my flower feeds. wonder if im getting ph drift leaving it out in open air for a couple days ? usually around 1300-1450 ppm’s


oh, yeah could be that instead. Running the numbers I’d think magnesium is definitely covered already. You could probably stand to drop the epsom salt completely imo.


for the flowering girls or the clones also ?


i don’t wanna mess up anything you’re doing. i don’t run jacks myself, but yes I would drop it for both…

Fertilizer Qty (g) Elements Value Gallon
Jacks ‘A’ 4 Total N 132.046 0.58
Jacks ‘B’ 2 Total P 55.2 0.24
Epsom Salt 1 Total K 228 1
Total Mg 92.4 0.41
Total Ca 95.1 0.42
Total S 193 0.85


Fertilizer Qty (g) Elements Value Gallon
Jacks ‘A’ 4 Total N 132.046 0.58
Jacks ‘B’ 2 Total P 55.2 0.24
Epsom Salt 0 Total K 228 1
Total Mg 66.4 0.29
Total Ca 95.1 0.42
Total S 90 0.39

Just a lot of sulfur with that 1 gram of epsom, and the magnesium to calcium ratio is off. Usually want around 1:2 ratio of mag to calcium and a 4:2:1 of K:Ca:Mg in flower, closer to 3:3:1 in veg.


i can start now for the flowering girls since their 27 days till harvest. the lower mag would prob help them right ?

as for the clones i wonder if going to the normal 3.6 2.4 1.2 would be better until i figure out why there being so angry. i should prob up pot them to half gallon pots at least and toss the mom for room. thoughts ?


Idk man, the numbers all look off to me compared to the numbers from what I’m used to running (maxibloom). I think my plants always look messed up on pure jacks :sweat_smile: I know a few that don’t use it in veg at all. They use a tomato veg feed instead. Maybe @ifish and/or @LD50 would know better?


i am actually reading over ld50’s posts in the main jacks thread now hoping to re ignite any things i used to remember lol. sometimes i just need to remind myself and it all comes back.

but i think the clones might have got to high ph’d nutes from drift is my first guess. so going to have to keep some de chlorinated water around for them and just make a daily gallon feed and see if they bounce back. their enviroment is also not idea atm so can also be a factor

but thank you for always being a quick source to help since i trust you more than myself @HolyAngel


A week already!? I did end up tossing that black river og #4 “girl”, and the #1 male. Still testing the #2 male but the #3 girl looks great so far. I replaced that brog#4 with the bandaid haze Church cut. Supercropped her and started crushing the stems since she’s starting out flower pretty close to the height of everyone else. See if I can keep her inline… Here’s the pics

Bubba Kush

Skunk Tangerine

OG Kush


That BROG #3 girl is f’ing loud! Little touch of the leaf and just loud AF citrus/sharp-lemony smells everywhere :drooling_face: :heart_eyes: really stings the nostrils :sweat_smile:


Looking awesome Bro :clap::clap::clap:


Everything looking very healthy!


Your garden looks fantastic! :100::fire:

Pz :v:t2:


yeah absoluty great color and healthy plants :slight_smile:



everything looking good and good luck on keeping that haze in line !


Black River OG #2 Male
Flower Day 1 (#2 on the right)

Flower Day 24

So far so good! :pray:

This dude is a bit of a beast considering he started flower at maybe a foot tall and now he’s around 3ft tall. Totally stable so far. Stem rub is good. Trichomes on the stems/petioles and balls but I wouldn’t call him super frosty or anything. Sometimes that takes another two weeks or so. For now I have used his pollen on 1 branch of each strain in the 4x4, so we’ll get some beans from:

Bubba Kush
Black River OG #3
OG Kush
Skunk Tangerine
SSDD F2 #1

I’m going to continue to flower him out until at least day 35 or so and then I’ll try revegging him and see how he fares. Final stress test for herming. I’ve already pillaged his roots, light leaks, timer messups, constantly wet… not a single hair to be found anywhere on him, but that’s how that Kryptonite #2 male was too. Stable until reveg and then hairs everywhere :see_no_evil: Hence why he no longer exists… My StarShine/Starlite Daydream male didn’t do that though. He was stable no matter what you do. I think this one will be the same way. If so I’ll come back and make a boatload of Black River OG F2’s from these two favorite plants. Opening the tent this morning, all I could smell was the Black River OG #3 girl, loud! :drooling_face:


Hell yes! Definitely put that strain on my radar! And hearing of F2’s …… DIIIIBBBBSSS :wave:t3: everything you are saying sounds killer. Really hope you have something special here


I really think the bubba cross will hold something epic there, possibly OG as well. Others could be epic as well depending on blend percentages. Looking forward to all tbch. Nice work as always bro :facepunch:t2: