Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I’m not sure honestly :confused: I thought it was clean when I sent it, but I thought most everything was until just recently. The variegation is part of the line from the chem d in the Appalachia. Going over my pics from the last year tho, I think I’ve had it on and off since sometime in beginning of 2023 :thinking:. Would explain why my Milky Way cut wasn’t as good the last time I ran her, and some other things.

Big things to look for are zigzagging branches with close internode spacing. Side branches that wanna go more horizontal then up. As well as smaller fan leaves, and the majority of leaves the same (smaller) size. And/or a LOT of little side/sucker branches.


Uggghhh. Heartbreaking. I hope you can find something as good or better.


No joke! I hope so too! Thinking maybe look through the StarShine F2s first rather than more of the bx1 I’ve already looked at. No one, including me, has ran those yet. It’s that or pivot to bodhi’s ssdd male crosses. Guava Sunshine or something :thinking:

In the meantime, I’ve moved two of the c5bx2 and the two Weasel Diesel’s to flower, chopped the chems and brog3 in flower, and chopped everything else. The other seedlings were males. Tomorrow will start bleaching it all up with the pump sprayer.


How confident are you that you’ll be able to find another pain relief pheno that matches your current cut? We need to find you some more SSDD F2 seeds?

Or, can we get you @HorseBadorites cut? I’m sure he’d hook you up.


I still have 40 or so pale f2 seeds left, but after already looking through so many ssdd f1s and f2s, I’d rather not yet.

I think the odds of finding similar pain relief in the BX1s, or SS F2s especially, should be pretty good. As for finding the whole package again, could be slim. The bx1s were a bit pieced out for me. IMO, it needs a bx2 or a good f2 of the bx1 to really be able to find her again. I’m hoping thats where the starshine f2s will… shine :sweat_smile: better chances. It used the same male as the bx1 line, and the starshine girl was better than the mom in a few ways, just missing the blueberry kush muffins. The male brings that side tho :wink:


dang it had to be the butter girl… really hope you can find something with the pain relief she brought you. sorry man

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Hey guys. This is all greek to me so let me ask a stupid question. Do these infected plants die or not produce smoke? Or are you concerned about spreading the problem?


Damn bummer man. You could always try isolating an ssdd cut for a couple months then test again - a pain but might be able to keep your cut going. Its nuts how much HLV has spread around, not always the easiest to detect too.


The viroid slowly “duds” your plants, so the flower and smoke get worse over time. An infected plant will never be as potent nor as tasty as it could be if it was clean. The viroid easily spreads through fluid contact too. An infected female can transfer the viroid to her seeds… it can get bad real fast and easily.


Yeah I’d be tempted. See if someone I sent it to can get it tested and let me know. I’d love to have her back but not sure that’s gonna be a thing or not. I got a local friend thats been working on doing tissue culture, but don’t think he’s got the process down yet.

Think this is the universe telling me to forget about those and start looking through the seeds I’ve made :wink:


Sorry to hear of this. Really bummed for you but……things seem to near always work out. So dont stress. Something good will come from this so relax and try not to worry about it. Before you know it this whole thing will be nothing but a bad memory. Sending good Karma your way.


So the whole plant is infected ? Would it be possible to outgrow the virus and take a cutting off the leading edge ? Does that make sense ?


It depends on how long the plant has been infected for. If it was recent, then it’s possible to get a clean meristem shoot off of it, tissue culture that, and months later maybe have a clean cut. Or you could spend 3-9 months doing that and still have an infected cut again :sweat_smile:


So, rooms are bare save for the flower tent. Still have to clean and bleach all that stuff, but in the meantime, here’s the current flower run:

The TK’s are already almost two weeks into flower. Everything else just got in last night.

@santero C5 BX2 :arrow_down:

@schmarmpit Original Diesel - Weasel Cut :arrow_down:

They actually looked clean when they came in, but then I put them in the same fucking tray as my other C5SS cuts that had to be infected :see_no_evil:

Gonna be looking into individual trays for each plant here in the future, so no water sharing.
These black trays will go away once I get the flood and drain set back up. Then toss all the pumps and hoses from here and buy new one’s to use later.


Yup thats the way she goes sometimes. At least you did lots of seedmaking with it!


Well I just looked back, and it looks like you got the C5ss back a couple months before I got the SSDD snips from you, so unless some got a snip a couple months before me, unfortunately you’re right, nothing can be assumed clean. I’m broke right now, but gimme a minute and I’ll scratch together some coin to get a couple tests done on it.

For the moment, I’m going to do the probably inadvisable and keep running the plants I have going. The pain relief of this plant is awesome, and I really don’t wanna lose it, so I’ll risk it for the moment to have some jars full over the summer.

Whenever I get it tested, if it comes back positive, after I tear down and bleach, I will start popping seeds looking for relief like this again. I have some of the starshine seeds, and at least one other cross where one of the parents is noted to offer nerve pain relief. For that matter, if it is clean I’ll probably still pop those beans and see what I can find.


Yeah that’s what I sadly gathered too :cry: I think you were the first person I gave her to that still has her. I sent her to a couple people prior to you, but they didn’t hold onto her. I think that’s that.

That 3riversbiotech I used had a 5 test minimum purchase so even tho they were only $15 per test, I had to buy 5 ($75). Plus UPS next day air shipping on a bubble mailer they send with the vials($37ish). I think FarmerFreeman does $50 per test but you can buy just the one test if you want. No minimum purchase. Tumi is another one.

I’d pitch in half on it if you want to get her tested sometime. And pay for shipping to get her back to me yet again, if she’s clean.


A reminder that the bleach bath needs to be atleast 60 seconds or more to dissolve the viroid.

Remember that in life, there is always good thing coming for the bad. :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah usually wanna do at least a 10 minute soak to kill it :wink:


Yeah, I agree. Seems like there’s some pretty good stuff in them beans… haha.