Holy's Garden (Part 1)

wow look so frosty droll really lovely :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Did you breed in some coca or clove? Lol

I prefer using a dehydrator on the lowest heat setting for about 6 hours. Maybe more for a denser sample. Seems to dry it out the flower and leave the stem with a touch of moisture, works well to roll and smoke.

Damn gorgeous!


Looking phenominal! So frosty, I think you hit it out of the park with this cross!


Lol no but it’s something I’ve heard BOG mention in the sour bubble. The SSDD girl already numbs out my carpel tunnel, tendonitis, and nerve pain in my back but have not noticed anything else. I get a little pain modulation with the TF#1 alone but nothing like the SSDD girl does. Not until smoking these two together did I notice extra pain relief and/or general numbing. Makes me consider growing out more clones to reverse one onto the other and make some fem beans to look at some day :thinking:

My wife mentioned the dehydrator but I figured the heat would offgas the terpenes so hadn’t tried it :thinking: Prior to this I was just sticking the buds in my wind tunnel of a custom computer case and that would have them smokable from raw in about 2 days. This microwave tek seems to work pretty well though and I haven’t needed to go past 1min30sec so far. If you’re saying the dehydrator works I may have to keep that in mind/try for next time.

I really think so! I’m definitely impressed with them. Did I not send these out to you already? I still need to go through my last kryptonite pack to see if I can find a better male to remake this cross with… and actually keep him around so I can make more later if I need to. The male I did use definitely put in some work though. I hit the SSDD F2 #1 girl at the same time and the way these TF turned out kinda makes me wanna go look at those beans soon… In the meantime to all that however, I’m going to hit the TK with that SSDD F2 #4 male I just found so I can make my own version of bodhi’s ‘Triple Sunshine’ cross. Assuming the male still continues to work out anyways. Testing still in progress :sweat_smile:


These would go back into bubba nicely
You can see the Tk in both bud structures


I’m pretty sure the lowest mine goes is 100f so that’s what it was. Without touching the flower the aroma is muted a little obviously but as soon and you chop it up its still very strong in flavour and smell. I don’t feel much is lost at all for a sample. I’ve always been against using any heat or the microwave but said screw it let’s try it out…nothing to lose haha. Glad I did

Thats very interesting…i wonder which specific components of each are combining in such a way. Very cool and definitely worth exploring further with breeding them together!


No, you didn’t send me any Triforce. I wanted to send you some Guerilla Fume F2 x Bogglegum seeds as a trade but the pollen didn’t take. Can’t find a single seed in the buds as of yet.

That sounds like a great combo, seems the Triangle is an amazing plant to do crosses with if you’re ok with the lower yields. Everything I’ve seen with everyones S1’s looks awesome. I’d love to hunt for my own OG at some point.


that smoke report sounds like you lucked into something special. that thing has the top shelf bag appeal cant wait to get the smell report and taste after a cure.


That triforce looks awesome

The paper bag in the hot car method works great I first tried years ago one summer with a fresh cut bud left it on the dash board with the window closed up and went to work lunch time I couldn’t believe how good it worked


Must of been quite the weed air freshener when you opened the door?


Bro it stunk up the car wow it was wonderful lol


State of the veg tent

Just uppoted the 3 SSDD girls seconds before taking this pic. #1, #2, and #7. Tossed the little kushy looking one(#10) that turned out to be a girl too. No double serrations, runty, wrong stem rub… just not what I’m after and I don’t feel bad about it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Don’t really have room nor need for 4 SSDD girls. These other 2 may or may not give my #1 a run for her money but we’ll see. Long as they’re stable I’ll make beans with them too. So 3 females to 1 male for SSDD F3’s. Assuming the male stays stable too :pray:

Will get pics of the male later but so far not much has changed. Just starting to take off now after spending a couple days getting acclimated from the uppot and the changed lighting. Will also be uppotting the TK/HPK’s/JJ’s here soon too. The HPK in the bottom right is already over a foot tall which has me worried if she’s anything like the TK. Feel like she’s a direct S1 of the TK but we’ll see how the flower comes out. The JJ’s has me worried about stretch too. Can tell just from looking at it that it’s hazy af and likely to stretch quite a bit… see what happens in a week or two :crossed_fingers:


And here’s the SSDD F2 #4 male at day 5, just now getting going after adjusting to the light.

Trying to see if 12/12 will flower that sage plant too so I can seed itself :thinking:


I hope you know…. I am gonna hit you up for some of these sooner or later. :upside_down_face:

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If you mean the SSDD F3’s; If things continue as expected, I’ll put up a co-op type thread when the time comes and give out another 150 packs like I did for my SSDD F2 BX1.


Yup. Count me in.

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I have never had this. But have heard so much

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@HolyAngel is the TriForce something you made?? I’m a huge Zelda Breath of the Wild addict… been playing it a lot lately and the name stuck right out. I actually spent 8+ hours one day on it just this last week. :laughing:


I did make the TriForce. I love all the Zelda games, especially Ocarina of Time! Breath of the wild was great but the rain and item-break mechanics really bring it down for me compared to the earlier titles. Still good though! The TriForce here is basically Triangle Kush x (NL2 x NL1HP).


That’s cool… I played the original of course back on NES as a child… but have been completely out of the Nintendo loop until the Switch came out in 2017… I started getting into BOTW and it became an addiction… I’ve gotta have 200+ hours into that game… when I started the DLC however I got stuck on this Rohta Chigha Shrine and I’d play it over and over… Couldn’t get through it. I actually out the game down for over a year only to pick it up and attempt again multiple times and fail… one day about 2 weeks ago however… I somehow made it through it… and then I could actually play the game again… it was such a relief… I felt like I was stuck on the most impossible obstacle and now it’s actually fun again. I’ve been playing it nonstop lately. Before I did the DLC, I conquered Ganon and then re-loaded an earlier save and just pretended it didn’t happen… so I still gotta do that again after I finish the DLC… im really looking forward to the sequel. I don’t mind the item break mechanics because the Master Sword is always going to recharge and its all I’m used to. I have a feeling though that when the sequel is released… I’ll probably need to take a few days off from work and just dive in. I’ve requested time off for video games before, lol

That’s amazing too how you made some SSDD seeds. I’m starting a little collection myself. I’ve picked up Blue Sunshine, Cherry Sunshine, Raspberry Sunshine, Strawberry Sunshine, White Sunshine, Orange Sunshine, Silver Sunshine, Field Trip, and Elf Snacks so far… im getting Black Sunshine (Black Triangle x SSDD) soon… as I won it at auction for $330 this weekend… despite my haul of SSDD crosses however, I don’t have actual SSDD seeds themselves. I’d be willing to trade if you were up for it… I’ve got quite a few sealed packs I could make a list if you were interested at some point. I’m sure you probably get asked quite a bit lol… I’ve seen it above already. Either way it’s still cool to meet you and I’m sure it’s gonna be a pleasure following your grow.

I’ve myself been growing Bodhi since 2007-ish when I saw him listing his Purple Moonshine on Breedbay… that was my first Bodhi pack. My all time favorite of his was his A11gf3… I plan on doing an Apollo 11 project soon myself… right after I make these Blackberry Lotus F2s… thats what I’m currently working on. Bodhi, Subcool, Professor P, Trichome Jungle… those are the guys who inspired me to grow and be picky about top shelf genetics. I had to take a several year hiatus however about 8 or 9 years ago when I had dehabilitating headaches and needed Neurosurgery… that kind of knocked me off the horse. Breedbay, the place I learned so much isn’t really the same as it used to be… much slower… Overgrow now reminds me of Breedbay in its hay day… except much looser with the rules… I imagine mostly in part of the legalization progress society has made and the current proclamation of seeds now being considered legal in the United States that it only makes sense.

Anyways sorry for ranting. Let me know if you’re down to trade sometime.