Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Man that one looks to check a lot of the boxes! Very wide leaf too - looks a lot like my wide leaf blue tara f2… just the bt doesnt have double serrations.


The 3 bladed leaves. The overlapping of the blades. And the way this left blade sits offset from the other two

Are all kush traits. Same things I see in the TK, bubba, etc.
Sometimes get a missing leaf blade too.


Ah yeah they do look pretty similar! If you approve of this dude, that makes me feel better about him lol He does check a lot of the boxes. Just doesn’t look to be the same pheno as my keeper.

I was originally hoping for a pair to make these f3’s with but that’s not gonna happen unless I pop more seeds. I did find two girls like her though :thinking: There are sometimes where a particular pheno won’t show for a particular gender. or at least won’t show the same way. Like the Freakshow’s, the leaf trait follows the males in the crosses and not the females. It’s still there in the females but hidden. So maybe this dude IS the other half of my keeper :sweat_smile:

Regardless, assuming things continue, I think he’ll bring better structure and reinforce all the bubbashine traits. Here’s to hoping he’s stable, frosty, and brings the pain relief. :pray: :crossed_fingers:


It definitely has some wide bubba leaves and double serrations for the blue genes for sure! Yeah I’d imagine you have to germ a good amount to get a couple of the same male pheno in F2s - nature of the beast with polyhybrid F2s. So many different combinations of genes in play.


Are the double serrations a confirmed blue/moonshine trait? I think I saw more mutants and variegation from my DJ packs but never ran Bluemoonshine sadly. Either way cool to see you found veg markers that you’re looking for. Gonna go back through the few blue line logs I still have later now I’m a bit curious.


The double serrations are specifically a Columbian trait. Todd has shown it off in the OHaze, among other things. But yes, DJ’s Blueberry line has them and it has been confirmed that the plants with the double serrations tend to have the most/best blueberry profile and are generally the best plants overall.

That link talks about it throughout the grow. I’ve also confirmed these traits against ramblinrose’s bubbashine HP’s, schmarmpit’s Blue Tara’s, and BirD’s pre-98 bubba kush clone. Along with my own work with the SSDD F1’s, and F2 BX1’s among other things ^^


Awesome thanks for link, gonna check that thread out when I get back from dog walk. Dank Franks digiberry sounds familiar, I think he used to post about it in the DJ sub a lot there. Vaguely remember VG micro-growing an impressive BB cut also. Sounds interesting

Would you say this pheno of mine had double serrations?



Hah that might be a no serration pheno :wink:
I had one pheno in dj’s newberry that was like that… interesting plant with no regular leaves.



Reminds me of the freakshow! Got some frost on those leaves too ^^

Some of the stuff that comes out of DJ’s lines makes me think he hit some of the grandparents with colchicine or something :thinking:


Snagged a pack of the BDB F3 a while back after I saw them when I was hunting for BB strains. Those plants look killer


Morning from the People’s Republic of Ontario

I started the day with a beautiful sight and I am looking forward to the next couple of Weeks as we approach the flip with your SSDD#2 bx1

In the beginning I was worried about the plant being forced into a HST kind of move with a 90 degree outcome lol, and as the plant establishes itself, I’m sure its going to produce a Worthy indoor specimen.

Plan is to schwazze (all 4 fan leaves lol) on flip-day, and she is going to look bare and wtf-ish !
She has turned a corner w/ Good growth at each node daily. For sure Each node is going to be fairly “represented” when bloom begins. Cannot wait to let her go! Even the white clover is coming up!

Layering the fan leaves is helping to twist the stalk into a flat ladder, not staggered nodes

Last day of week 4, today. Flip within 2 weeks

Have a great day @HolyAngel and Thanks again !

ps 4th BBP foliar app Tomorrow a.m.


Ohh very nice! Definitely some HST right there! That’s really going to open the nodes up.
Really hope that one is a girl with all the work you’re doing :crossed_fingers: :pray:
Looks particularly similar to the mom too, should be some glorious flowers when you’re all said done!


Fingers are still crossed !
Its a daily search, for Her
Thanks HA


Chopped the TriForce #2 at day 67 as she hit around ~15% amber all over. Sorry no updated pic on her but she looked just like my kryptonite girl did.

Will get some pics of the dried flowers later.

Now just waiting on the two #4’s to finish up

TriForce #4 Day 67

Lil rough on the fans in the middle there but that’s what you get when you don’t monocrop the table :man_shrugging:

Flowers are on point tho :wink:
Hoping she’ll be ready by day 77(10 more days). There’s not really any ambers at all yet.

NorthStar #4 is really getting her fade on at day 69

One or two ambers per flower but not enough to pull yet. Hoping day 77 here too.
Then its clean the walls, table, and reservoir. Setup the new ProGrow640. Then start flowering two HPK’s, a TK, a JJ’s Nigerian Haze, and these SSDD girls :crossed_fingers:


Damn those are some FANTASTIC looking flowers there, matey!! Looking forward to the smoke reports.


triforce #1 has my heart just a dank looking girl… i wanna taste her. and she came down so close to valentines. its a sign


Very nice looking bud.


Haha i love those Pablo memes!! Triforce looks phenomenal dude! Well done and I’m sure well worth the wait for those ambers! Northstar too, duh!


Can’t wait to see what you do with the 640. And that NorthStar #4 just makes me drool.


TriForce #1 quick dry on a random lower

Rest of plant still hanging but I couldn’t pass up trying some a bit early thanks to @Papalag’s patented quick dry technique

it definitely works to sample flower at any stage, even right off the plant.

Anyways, every single time I’ve tried this #1 girl, the first hit sends a chill down my spine from the base of my skull to about the middle of my back. I smoked some with the SSDD F2 #1 girl in a bowl last night and I’m pretty sure my teeth were numb there, or close to it, for a bit :thinking: Unsure if entourage effect going on there or what but I’m intrigued. I’m in love with the flowers from this girl and this isn’t even one of the better flowers on that plant. No real word on smells/flavors yet. Between it not being dry to start and the defrosting in the microwave, all that is kind of muted. Should know more in another couple weeks. In the meantime I will be giving her another run for damn sure. Cutting more clones tonight. Probably do the #4 too just because. Still on the fence with #2.