Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Oh man, I’ve been slacking off in here. Soil is making me lazy :sweat_smile:

Currently at day 73. I think the #4 will be done sometime between day 74 and day 77. #5 girl is looking like day 80-84, definitely gotta be a haze leaner.

Got some pics from day 68.

Emo Girl #4 - NL/Sensi Star Leaner

She’s even more floppy now. Buds are smaller in length than #5 but like 40% larger around than the same buds on the #5. She’s fairly floppy though and leaning pretty hard. Smells of fermented or rotten fruit of some kind and its fairly strong, I can smell her as soon as I unzip the tent. Again, pretty positive this is a Sensi Star leaner just from the overall structure, her buds are totally different than the #5 girl, with shorter golfball/baseball style buds that are just fat af, and her smell is totally different too. Also finishing faster.

Best Girl #5 - NL/Haze Leaner

That middle pic of the top cola, is almost the full length of my forearm, 9-10 inches of solid bud :heart_eyes: She is not floppy at all, anywhere. She has decently long buds with some nice density to them. Not full branch/stem length like I was hoping for, but close enough for me for now. Smells are either hashy-citrus-musk or lemony-citrus-spice depending where you stick your nose :drooling_face: You can’t really smell her unless you move her around or get your nose in there, I think that’s good and bad :smile:. And she’s starting to drop all her fan leaves as of a couple days before the pic. Just letting it happen at this point, she doesn’t have too much longer to go. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

In other news, got the #2 goji(the full purple stem one) clone rooted and growing. Waiting on the clones of the other 2 goji’s to root along with that FLC bud/clone I started a couple weeks ago, starting to see new growth on it so I think she’ll make it :crossed_fingers: Still trying to sprout the very last Goji F3 seed too but I don’t think it’s gonna pop. I STILL can’t tell sex on any of these goji’s yet and we’re almost at 40 days of veg on the first 3. As soon as these two NL girls come down and I get these clones rooted I’ll start flowering some of the goji’s.