Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Pics from last night




NL5HSS #5 Clone 1

Decided to only go with 4 mains for this one instead of 8, the lower branches were kinda weird, could’ve easily went down to 6 but figured screw it, 4 big one’s should be enough. Don’t need a ton of yield at the moment.

Group Shot

I know they look a little rough, first time soil, but not too bad imo.

And then check out this close up on the #2 Goji OG, 30 days old!


They are looking mighty fine.Switching your method of grow is a learning curve.Soil takes a little more time to correct things than hydro.I love soil growing and playing in the dirt lol

That goji is trippy getting double shoots from the nodes make a freak special there.

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Thank you! Yeah, it has definitely been a learning curve… Still a lot more for me to figure out. Still don’t have proper watering down quite yet but I think I’m getting there. Still reading up on amendments and mycos and microbes and other stuff. Lots to learn!

In other news, I just had to recalibrate my PH meter as I think I might have been at least 0.2 under proper PH the last watering, or few waterings… OTOH, I think that might be the cause of some of the issues I’ve been seeing lately :thinking: Don’t know how I didn’t check that earlier since I’ve been manually watering. Playing in the dirt seems to make me kinda lazy :rofl:

I am loving these Goji F3’s so far. They were looking great up until the ph/top watering mess up. They seem to be starting to pull out of it though. I’m tempted to top them for clones, but I kinda want to see the natural structure, plus they still haven’t sexed yet.


Make sure it doesn’t get too dry, the microbes will vacate the premises, and stop doing their job. I mulch with alfalfa meal and bubble waste. Alfalfa meal being a super tasty treat to little buggers living in the ground. They tunnel up to eat that stuff.


hmm okay. That’s really been the struggle for me as I’m trying to do organic here and always heard you don’t want to let it go completely dry, but then I think I’m overwatering most of the time and stunting my plants. It’s a tough line to walk it seems and I haven’t seen any clear indications either way. So far I’ve been leaning towards letting them dry out before watering again and yeah, that doesn’t seem right for all my microbes and mycos.

Good to know on the alfalfa and other info though, thank you!


Well went ahead and topped the 3 bigger Goji’s last night. Topped at the 3rd node. They’re still not looking too great so I figured I might as well try and clone the tops before it gets any worse. Not sure what the deal is… Tempted to repot them, maybe some issue between my amended mix and the happy frog, like a PH discrepancy or something… that’s really what it looks like.

The other 3 are coming along, working on first set of real leaves. Still waiting on the other 2 in root riots to come up. I went ahead and just planted the last seed that wouldn’t pop in dirt to see if anything happens there.

Veg Cam!

NL5HSS #1 Male is the big plant on the left, bottom left is Goji #3, top right in the 1 gallon fabric’s are Goji #1 and #2. In between the goji’s and #1 is my #5 clones, and one #1 male. And then the square container and solo next to it are the Cat Grass and Cat Nip :smiley_cat:


Ok, here’s all the Goji’s so far

Still waiting on 1 that popped to come up, its at the top of the root riot now with it’s helmet still on so maybe tomorrow. Think we’re on 3 weeks of germinating :thinking: The new growth on the bigger 3 is at least looking good. And their clones are looking okay for now, no roots yet.

In other news, took the top of a lower branch off the Franco’s Lemon Cheese to see if I could possibly clone it. I doubt it’ll work but it’d be nice if it does. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
Here’s what she’s lookin like at day 63 :sunglasses:

Think she’s close? :smile: Please don’t mind the cat hair, there is literally no escaping it in my house. I can open a brand new container of whatever food, and there’s a cat hair in it :rofl:

I cut two small buds off the branch that became the hopefully-new-clone and checked the seeds…

looks like I got 8 pretty good looking ones :heart_eyes:


Aaaaand chopped the FLC today at day 64.

I checked a few more lower and upper bud sites and all those seeds look done too. She’s got like 20% amber or so depending on where you’re looking and only throwing the random white pistils here and there(Senescence). I pollinated at week 3 so she’s had 7 weeks to make seeds. Should be enough. She’ll hang for two weeks and then will start shucking seeds. Hope the clone of her makes it so I can keep her going. She IS Lemon and Cheese all day. Got two more beans if she doesn’t, hope I can find her again or a better girl if I lose this one. Should’ve cloned her first :man_facepalming:

NL girls still have two to three weeks left. Waiting on calyx’s to swell. They’ve still been throwing out hairs this whole time. #4 has already been kinda floppy, if she swells anymore I may have to support her. She has bigger terminal buds but the #5 has longer buds and needs zero support.

Accidently decapitated the 8th goji sprout so the 7 plants is basically what all I’m gonna get out of these F3’s. I did some reading though and took out the last bean that wouldn’t pop to see if I can dry it for a couple days, stick it back in the seed fridge for a couple more days, and then try and re-sprout it to see if it pops. Maybe needs more stratification?


Oh man, I’ve been slacking off in here. Soil is making me lazy :sweat_smile:

Currently at day 73. I think the #4 will be done sometime between day 74 and day 77. #5 girl is looking like day 80-84, definitely gotta be a haze leaner.

Got some pics from day 68.

Emo Girl #4 - NL/Sensi Star Leaner

She’s even more floppy now. Buds are smaller in length than #5 but like 40% larger around than the same buds on the #5. She’s fairly floppy though and leaning pretty hard. Smells of fermented or rotten fruit of some kind and its fairly strong, I can smell her as soon as I unzip the tent. Again, pretty positive this is a Sensi Star leaner just from the overall structure, her buds are totally different than the #5 girl, with shorter golfball/baseball style buds that are just fat af, and her smell is totally different too. Also finishing faster.

Best Girl #5 - NL/Haze Leaner

That middle pic of the top cola, is almost the full length of my forearm, 9-10 inches of solid bud :heart_eyes: She is not floppy at all, anywhere. She has decently long buds with some nice density to them. Not full branch/stem length like I was hoping for, but close enough for me for now. Smells are either hashy-citrus-musk or lemony-citrus-spice depending where you stick your nose :drooling_face: You can’t really smell her unless you move her around or get your nose in there, I think that’s good and bad :smile:. And she’s starting to drop all her fan leaves as of a couple days before the pic. Just letting it happen at this point, she doesn’t have too much longer to go. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

In other news, got the #2 goji(the full purple stem one) clone rooted and growing. Waiting on the clones of the other 2 goji’s to root along with that FLC bud/clone I started a couple weeks ago, starting to see new growth on it so I think she’ll make it :crossed_fingers: Still trying to sprout the very last Goji F3 seed too but I don’t think it’s gonna pop. I STILL can’t tell sex on any of these goji’s yet and we’re almost at 40 days of veg on the first 3. As soon as these two NL girls come down and I get these clones rooted I’ll start flowering some of the goji’s.


Here’s day 73 pics!

NL5HazeSensiStar #4 Emo Girl

Again, I’m thinking she’s almost done, probably going to chop this weekend day 77 or so :thinking: Let me know if you think otherwise ^^

NL5HazeSensiStar #5 Best Girl
My Keeper for sure

Still thinking she’ll be 84 days or so before she’s ready. 10 more days from today. Maybe a bit longer, not sure really.

And then here’s my kinda mainlined clone of her running unpollinated this time :heart_eyes:

She’s just past two weeks into flower. Hoping she’ll stretch a bit more, as-is it looks like I’ll have 4x ~6" cola’s and that’s it :rofl: See what happens… I know they’ll at least be fat af…

Moving on to things I’m slightly ashamed of, Goji OG’s! @Sincy
Don’t mind the cat grass :laughing:

The big 3 are definitely pulling out of the nute issues I gave them. I have the tall middle, purple stemmed one, Goji #2, cloned and rooted already, just waiting on the clones of the other two big ones to root, should be any day now, can already see white root nubbins on them.

Anyways, it’s a bit early to tell stem colors on the solo cup one’s but preliminarily, it looks like only the #2 plant is going to have that solid purple stem, I’m guessing that’s a Snow Lotus leaner? She has thinner leaf blades than the others but that could also be from the excess phosphorous in the soil. The rest seem to have green stems with purple lines, or vice-versa. The overall structures look pretty uniform to me between all the plants. I think the #2 purple stemmed plant is a male, as it has the fastest growth and the clone rooted in 3 days which is damn near exactly how my NL5HSS #1 (Male) acts.


More Goji Time! @Sincy

Here’s some tops of the current big ones
Goji OG #1

Goji OG #2

And the clone of it in just peat/ewc/perlite, looking much better

Goji OG #3

Group Shot - Cleaned up the dead leaves

Still not sure on sex on any of these, not seeing any parts at 45 days of veg. Probably my fault. Definitely need to not mix the amended soil with happy frog ever again. That messed the big ones up hard, still having a couple issues. I need to repot but it’s letting the younger one’s catch up so we’ll see…

In other Goji news, the other two clones are showing root nubs for sure now so hopefully they’ll be rooted in another day or two. Speaking of… don’t mind the banding here…

Black pods are NL5HSS #1 Male, Blue pods are Goji #1 and #3, Red pod is the Franco’s Lemon Cheese I’m trying to reveg from 8 weeks into flower :rofl: Pretty sure she’s seeded… but she’s got 3 roots! And looks like a regular growing tip is coming in :eyes: I tried to take a close-up but the banding from this cheap 24w chinese board is making it impossible since I’m too close.

The left plants in solo cups are 3 NL5HSS #5 Girls(Blue cups) and 1 NL5HSS #1 Male(Red cup)

Only took so many so I could make sure I’d still have the parents around. Most of these will be culled down soon… or I keep cutting the roots off the clones in the cloner and have it re-root again, and just keep doing that and skip the solo cups all together.


Wow, your grow is looking amazing! :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:


I second what @nefrella said


Franco’s Lemon Cheese (Seeded) 12 days dried

This is the top bud from the lowest branch on the plant, granted it was only 2ft tall :smile:
Getting like 5-6 seeds each on the smaller buds, I think I’ve pulled around 40 seeds so far from the two bottom branches, save for this last bud. Still have the entire rest of the plant to go.

I’ve really only been able to try the remnants of my seed shucking so far but she’s dried out to a musky-citrus smell, and a lemony-cheese taste that coats the mouth. This is very close to what I was hoping to get from these beans.

The high seems to be pretty hazy at first and hits you pretty hard in the head. Feel stoned AF… but can still totally function. Being sociable is no problem but focusing on a particular task seems to be a bit hard to do. Definitely not sleepy but no raciness either.

I really hope the clone reveges.

Potency seems to be just a little worse than the Russian Snow and Purple MAC were, but I’m pretty sure that’s to be expected with seeded plants. I’d think if she was unseeded it would be on par or better?

Regardless, will be interesting to see what the backcross with the NL5HSS did for her seeds.


Nice :+1:
being seeded and also you usually run seeded plants longer will effect the potency

Bud looks great


Ah ok, that’s what I was thinking…
Suppose even if it didn’t make a difference, she’s still not bad when it comes to potency. And the flavor is there if you like cheese, at least.

Thanks for the compliments @Papalag and @nefrella My first time time doing soil so hopefully it should only get better from here :pray: :slight_smile:


Can always make edibles with that batch too


Hmmm after seeing your goji i am going to have to find time and space to fit in the 6 orange goji crosses i have.especially the orange goji x blackberrybreath

Glad to see your getting a handle on soil growing.its showing in your plants and garden.


sounds a nice cross

@HolyAngel that is a lot of variation in the leaf structure of those Goji’s. I have not seen that much variation of leaf structure in an f3.

Edit- add that those are supposed to be from a single male.


Yeah this one is gonna be frosty af for sure! :wink: Let us know when you get to them ^^

@Herbie yeah there definitely does seem to be a bit of variation, but I’m thinking it might be due to the conditions more than the genetics. They’ve been in a half flower mix of soil so there’s a lot of phosphorous in there and i think it’s what’s mostly causing the #2 plant to have such thin leaves, among other issues between the 3. We’ll see here in a couple more weeks when I can flower them out.

NL’s coming down soon to make room… Tempted to flower out some of the solo cup clones :sweat_smile: rather than chop them down.