Homemade pollen collector

Well it looks like you did a great job. That one I got was just over $30 CAD and does a great job for me but yours looks awesome.

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I’ve been using one of these guys to beat my branches on to get the pollen to sift through works pretty good has a nice tight mesh knit on the screen a little finer than the ones in grinders.I do it over a dinner plate and scrape it up with a silicone spatula.I spray them both down with hot soapy water and rinse every different plant I sift for no cross contamination.Been working like a charm no bits of flower to mold in the pollen tubes

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I have the same Pollen Shaker as @DougDawson and I kept the pollen plant growing in soil and just trimmed entire bunches of ripe pollen sacks right into the top of the shaker.

The male flowers opened up as they dried and dumped their pollen through the screen. I put a square of parchment below the screen and pressed the bottom lid over it to make a seal. So the pollen fell on the paper and every few days I just carefully folded the pollen-covered paper up for storage in the freezer.

Clean & simple, worked like a charm.


Can I harvest the pollen sacs before they open up, and let them dry out and collect the pollen that way?

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Yes, have done this with success.

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This’ll keep the dirt crumbs out of my pollen :wink: