Question about harvesting pollen

So ive got a good male that ive kept around and decided to grab some pollen because i love the way it grew. Problem is that its outdoors and i want to see if i can grab pollen before anyone elses shit goes into flower, i dont want to be that guy.

Anyways, was outside and contemplating on whether i should go ahead and chop it before it becomes a risk to anyone elses plants, and i gave it a shake and it dropped some pollen. Is it viable? Do they pretty much unload pollen through the year as theyre agitated? Can i go ahead and put a bag over it and harvest?


Grains of pollen from this species of plant are meant to be carried on the smallest of breezes. A grain of pollen is actually smaller than the human eye can see. So if you gave it a shake and saw pollen, chances are it’s viable and already floating around the neighborhood. So the risk is already there IMO.


Ok thanks. This is the first male that i have grown out, and i figured he wouldnt start dropping pollen until the females outdoors start to flower which shouldnt have been for another month at least

I have never done this but drip it sabe save one branch and wrap it in microfiber tape. Seeems to work ona small scale.

But it’s a different kind of risk.

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I figured i would just throw a trash bag over it and shake the shit out of it lol. Your idea would probably work better

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It’s not my idea I just heard it around for indoor😛

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Unless you’re in a unique part of the world or someone around is growing autoflowers, the risk of seeding anyone’s crop in mid July is pretty low IMO

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I might be a jerk, but I think it’s ok to have males outside. Especially if he’s a fire stud, could be doing my neighbors a favor w a little seed production:)

Also ime, though pollen does travel on the wind well, especially in open fields. It does not necessarily travel well up and around obstructions like tree’s and large bushes.


Ok. Ive only been growing for a handful of years, and remember hearing early on that pollen can travel for miles on the wind.

I have used a brown paper bag, stuck the male bush in there and let it dry and forgot about it for a few months until I got a female ready.
I took the dried bush and made some gestures over the female like a wizard holding a wand, or a painter painting a pretty picture.
It definitely worked. Add words of gratitude to the Universe to make it a spiritual experience.
Always gets me higher.

Where the pods look near full and ready to open you can chop branches and take indoors and put in cup of water and or keep under light or by window and they will keep opening up for a week just in water and you can collect pollen like that and not worry about pollinating your neighbours crop.

Don’t wait to long though before chopping branches as could open , as soon as you see 1 pod full ready to bust or even split cut branches and take indoors

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