Hopefully more than a mota of mota's mota

I watered yesterday. Just the plants that were looking a little dry. Almost all the seeds have broken ground (or at least are creating a bulge for the plant to beak through).

I’m particularly excited about the Stone Fruit and Super Lemon Haze on two counts - first, I’m a big fan of weed with fruity flavors. For my entire life, I’ve absolutely loved sweets, and my favorite sweet has always been fresh fruit. In particular, I love pit/stone fruit, and with even more particularity I love apricots (preferably Blenheims, with Pattersons coming in a fairly close second) but really any fresh fruit. Never met a fresh fruit (including durian) that I didn’t like. The second reason for my excitement is they’re autos, and I’ve never grown an auto! So, hopefully new flavor/stone profiles in mid season. This boy likes that thought a lot, thank you so much, @FieldEffect!!

This is apricot vodka that I make.

If you think it looks good, here’s how to make it - in a clean 1 gallon jar, add 3 cups white sugar, enough ripe apricots to fill the jar, and a medium quality vodka (ie, Stoly, not Grey Goose). Specifically, gently pack the apricots into the jar, nestling them to maximize their number but not break any skin. Add enough vodka to just cover them. Put the top firmly on the jar and store in a cool, dark place for a minimum of three years. The jar above has been working for more than ten. After three years, the liquid has become slightly viscous because of the sugar. Hopefully the 'cots are intact. It’s difficult to taste anything but apricot. It’s the only alcohol I consume any more. I like it over ice cream. I toss the 'cots themselves. There’s not enough good in them for me to bother, so yes, it’s a somewhat small yield, but it is freakin’ delicious!

I’ll mention that I have quite a stash of the stuff, so any Bay Area OGs, or visitors to the area, who want to give it a try (expect to go home or wherever with some), drop me a PM and we can arrange it.

Local weather guessers say it’s going to be sunny and relatively warm all this week. I stopped taking the plants indoors at night. It’s been in the high 40s, so I’m not concerned about overnight lows negatively affecting them. It’s not much colder than in our apartment!

Slow goes it.

Thank you for looking!