Hopefully more than a mota of mota's mota

True, I do look a little older than my avatar, but clearly it’s the same person. Just imagine my current beard on the picture of my younger self! lol (1) You can see that clearly it’s the same guy! rofl

I want to see some damn action too! Okay, okay, it’s not much, but my commercial seed stakes are at least marked. As an outdoor grower, it’s always a crap shoot about what the weather will be like in the near future. That said and with the knowledge that it likely will get cold again here, I think germinating will be next week.

None of these are from OG. I’m going to get those done in the next few days.

The plan had been to grow just 8 plants this season. Clearly, that number will be expanded. I’m just not sure by how much yet. I had 15 at the end of the season last year. It was a lot.


I’ve been having a lot of right hand pain for the last week or two. Okay, okay, probably longer. You can see what it looked like this morning. It throbs half way up to my elbow. I think it’s a repetitive motion injury. It’s fucked up.

This may postpone what happens with my 2023 grow for the next little while. I will keep you posted. This is painfully disappointing for me. That said, I’m going to grow this year!


That hand does look swollen. I hope you get to feeling better soon and can get that garden growing.

Have a great season and happy growing. I’ll be hanging out and watching.


Thank you so much, @Pleasantrees420, for your well wishes. The swelling has gone down nearly completely, however, the hand remains sore. I’m confident I will continue to improve. smile1

That said about my hand remaining sore, I’ve just been so antsy to pop some beans, today will be day one for 2023. We’re expecting more rain and perhaps a little more real weather (unlike what the Bay Area usually gets), but I just can’t wait any longer.

Today’s seeds are all commercial. On the plate, you can see what I’m germinating, one each of what’s in the bags.

I bought these before I knew how generous seed growers here are. :100: :green_heart: My thinking is, if there’s more real weather and some seedlings potentially get damaged, I’d prefer them be commercial rather than seeds from here. I’ll be germinating seed from OGs in a week. d8JBdDJ

I’m going to try to remember to take pics on a regular basis and add some narrative at important moments. You know, like first words, etc. ROFLMAO

This will constitute my space cadet grow journal! lol (1)

Thank you for looking!


Nice strain selection, are they all fems or you are just rolling the dices putting just one? beer3|nullxnull


These are all feminized. The next round will all be regular photos/dice rollers, so there will probably be some males. A seed or two for that second planting will be from a mystery pack.

Regarding what varieties said possible males may be, I’ll keep you updated about what’s germinating when. As I sex them, when I see a male, I’ll pull it (or hopefully give it away) and germinate another to replace it. It will string out my season, but such is life.

I’ll also mention here that if anyone who’s reading this lives in the Bay Area and would like any male plants I have, I would be more than happy to give them to you. You would have to come and get them since I don’t drive, but I would love to see them go to a pollinating home! smile1


Beanz a poppin’! These are all commercially boughten feminized seeds.

I guess I’d better be getting ready to grow some weed! Pot leaf hopper

Thanks for looking! smile1


Good to see you back in track… beer3|nullxnull


I always see you post tons of different strains in the “what are you smoking today” thread…now I understand…lol!!
Love the variety!!! :+1::call_me_hand:


Thank you, @Tappy! To be honest, all other things being equal, variety is more important to me than particular strains. I mean, I have my preferences, but I mostly want to mix it up. Shakey Daffy Duck

You may have seen on a different thread that I said I was going to limit myself, absolutely limit myself, to 8 plants this year. I had 15 plants last year and it got to be a bit much for me physically, having to move all of those 10 gallon containers multiple times a day as the plants grew. HA! You can see how well that’s going this year!

Of the 8 seeds I’ve started, you can see 3 are starting to pop, and I haven’t even started any seeds from here!

What a problem to have!! rofl


One day later and all but two of the initial 8 have sprung, and it appears the AK has begun to expand. Maybe later today it will really pop.

I can’t even tell you how excited I am to be here amongst such a wide variety of growers from so many places with so much experience! d8JBdDJ As Mrs. mota would say, I’m one lucky duck!

Big thanks again, @blowdout2269, for turning me on to this place!!

Thanks to everyone for looking!


As much as I appreciate it, I’m not sure I can take this credit. Maybe you might have me confused with someone, or maybe I’m the one with stoner brain, idk…:joy:
Either way, I’m glad you’re here! :yum:



@blowdout2269, I fear I may have used poor phraseology. As I recall (HA!) you made a random comment on GWE about what great photos get posted here. I just stumbled across your comment in my drug induced stupor. stoned-smiley


Where do you get your seeds, mota?

I share your feelings about OG in general. I started on another forum last year that wasn’t quite helpful, and searched for Overgrow again. I browsed in 2003-2006 in college, and think it disappeared in 2007 or so. Great folks here and I attribute much of last seasons success to what I’ve read or seen on these boards. :+1::+1:


The two years I recently grew, 2021 and 2022, all seeds were commercially purchased. I don’t remember who I bought them from for 2021. Last year’s seeds, at least I believe, were from SeedSupreme, as are all of my commercial seeds this year.

I’m most excited by the prospect of seeds that have come from here! Pot leaf hopper


I thought I knew ya from somewhere! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Totally! Just two stoners stumblin’ around… pass


The last two seeds popped over night. Very exciting for this geezer! labrat

Thanks for looking!


I have a question for you more experienced outdoor growers. @Calyxander, @CapnCannabis, @George, @CanuckistanPete, @breadwinner, @Herrsquidward, @Heliosphear, @BU2B, @Pleasantrees420, @Tappy and @FieldEffect

I’ve never grown autos and would like to hear your experience growing them outdoors. I don’t really know why, but I think of them as at least mostly indoor plants.

I’ve only grown from feminized photoperiod seeds.

Thanks to all of you!


DISCLAIMER: I’m no more experienced than you are.

I enjoyed having a mini-harvest mid-summer. They’re super cool in that regard. They are a little more sensitive than the photos and if you start them early (Mid-May these parts 34N @ 4500’) they stay small because of the low nightime temps. I imagine it’s more ideal to start them later May/June to have them finish late August/September.

I’m going to be running some again this season, that probably answers your question right there.