Hopefully more than a mota of mota's mota

That’s a great summary right there. I get that.

Hoping you guys find a new place that checks your boxes and winds up being preferred anyway. :crossed_fingers::pray:


Mrs. mota was looking at a bunch of old photos on her phone and found this. It was taken in October 2020, so it’s from my first grow since the early 1970s. I don’t remember that plant particularly, but it seems young/under developed for so late in the year.

I’m totally going to grow again!



One way to deal with PM is Monterey GARDEN PHOS. Also I’m trying to grow avocados and have learned a lot about what plants like - like keeping the plants out of a puddle. This year I added a LITTLE play sand (not from the beach!) and pumice. Well drained soil is key, especially if you live in a high humidity area. Keep water off the leaves, etc etc etc.
I cut back my grow this year. Ended up with two crosses, Everyday Haze x Humboldt Sour D. Auto (f) and Emerald Fire Auto (F) x Everyday Haze and a straight ahead Humboldt Sour Diesel I crossed with Humboldt Sour Diesel Auto just for the seeds cuz like yourself, i have more than enough and end up giving away more than I’m using lately, so I don’t plan on a crop next year. Will be concentrating on the avocados.


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seeing you with something green in your hand makes me happy! :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

watching old pics i alwways fun.

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I can see you hiding behind that plant.


sounds familiar !:smiley:


I know I’m one to talk about hiding behind plants :joy:


yes sir ! :smiley:


That’s what I was gonna say…


Okay, this year I’m seriously going to try to not kill all my plants. I think it’s simply a better plan in practice. Not that I planned to kill them last year…

I’m really nervous about this grow. Things are in flux here in my apartment building, whereas they’d been very steady since I moved in in 1996. Nervous or not though, I really feel the need to grow.

The Scarlet Grapes is from @blowdout2269, all the rest are from Blimburn from last year. I seem to have this B thing going on at the moment.

I’m in California, so we get six plants per person. I’m going to try to limit it to a dozen this year, six each for Mrs. mota and me. My neighbor would be happy to have me grow in her name too if I want. We’ll see.

I’m really excited!


Let’s do it bro!
Are the Blimburn fems?
I still need to send ya some Purple Lamborghini as backups. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Stone(d) outta likes, but only for the next 11 freakin’ hours!

Okay, but only as backups. I haven’t planted any of the original batch yet! :joy: OMG I love this place!

I just started those beans like 10 hours ago, and I’m already looking to see if there are any tails yet! I feel like a kid in a candy store with all these different seeds. It will all be so delicious! smell

I know, I know, most of what I’ve started is commercial, but that won’t be the case with the next batch.

Fuck, I’d better fill some small pots with dirt to be ready for seedlings. I won’t do that now. It’s 9:48pm.


Getting all amped up I see. :joy:
Now, don’t over love them! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yes, all Blimburn fems.

There are a few shots of my backyard up above, both from my kitchen window and from ground level. There’s a rather large pine tree in the photos. The new owner did away with that tree post haste after he bought the building. You may not be able to tell from the new picture below, but my neighbor’s son George (mid-30s wastrel who I’ve known since he was 5) has brought a bunch of new (to “us”) useless shit into the yard (again). It makes the yard less attractive, but I don’t think it will really affect my grow.

On to the good news, @blowdout2269’s Scarlet Grapes is the first bean with serious tailage (shake it, baby!). Cindy 99 is also showing a little of her tail. GSC and AK appear to have little bulges.

I really need to prep some solo cups.


Germ 12 keep 6 :love_you_gesture:


Looks great now that the tree is gone!
Well, ya know…minus the neighbors hoard.
Gonna give you some much needed space and sunlight.


Fantastic man! Good for you!

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Even if they’re all fems?

As I mentioned, having the tree gone will make an huge difference in the yard. Of course, there is George. This is his contribution to our yard. He tries to earn a living recycling cans and plastic. He also collects shit he has no idea what he will do with other than leave it for someone else (Mom? Me? New owner?) to get rid of. I like George. I think he was 5 when I moved in. He’s near 40 now I think.

A short tour of my yard. In the top photo, you can see “the alley” on the right side, the only area of the yard that gets morning light. It’s not totally cluttered.

You can see the seedlings on the parts cart. The shaded area under the porch is where all of my stuff is (soil, pots, etc.).

Okay, now that we’ve gone around the yard, we’ll get to the money shots.

I’d put the Scarlet Grapes to dirt before I managed to take a photo. Fucking stoner. It was by far the most developed of all the seeds. The Wombat and Gelato, which were the smallest seeds (but still nice and brown) haven’t shown any movement yet. They remain on the plate.

My son is coming down next weekend to help me sort some of the crap in my over stuffed garage. The plan is for him to take a bunch of tools and more costly construction parts (like copper fittings, etc). Some of it I’ll put out on a popular walking path nearby where lots of things come and go, and some will go into a dump run. I no longer drive or own a truck (I sold it to my son). I’m concerned that I’ll cack and Mrs. mota will have to deal with all my shit. I’ll drive back up to Portland with him and stay a few days, then fly to SeaTac to visit an old friend who’s house sitting for a couple of months. I’ll stay with him for a few nights, then fly home. I don’t want to make Mrs. mota responsible for anything but a bare minimum of work on my behalf. When I get back I’ll germinate another round of seeds. It’s longer than I might otherwise prefer, but such is life.

Can’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff.

Time to go grocery shopping. I won’t be hitting the bong first.