Hopefully more than a mota of mota's mota

Man I’ve got a similar issue with my seedlings, I’ll take the kelp advice & maybe the fish too. That sucks about your landlord man, I really hope you find a new place where you can grow.


Well, I’m not going to take or post any pictures. Suffice it to say a “local” dog has been overturning Solo cups and digging in the larger containers for several days. The upshot is at this point I don’t expect to have much if any grow this year. Perhaps things will change should we be forced to move, but that remains to be seen. Sigh…

I think it’s time to load a fat bowl.


Damn bro…very sorry to hear this.
I wish I lived close by to you. Will be glad to share all I have. :blush::green_heart:


Thank you so much for your OGenerosity, @iceman!

While it’s definitely unfortunate, there is an up side for me. Mrs. mota is an anxious person and a serious planner. What with our building having been sold, not having me stressing about plants will make her life easier. It’s a lemons into lemonade situation.

Where’s that bong? HA!


Somebody smarter than me needs to make an auto freakshow.

I still advise you drop at least one bean, for your own sanity :+1:


man that sucks for sure!!! sorry to hear that! :worried:


Damn bro, that sucks! Fricken dog…

Glad you can see the silver lining though. That’s awfully humble of ya. :slightly_smiling_face:


Is that rose a Joseph’s Coat?


I have no idea. I was walking home one day from Pilates and thought my wife would like it, so I took the picture. I was correct! :slight_smile: She does!


I have one growing on my front porch. Those change color as the blossom opens up.


i now know what mota means it just poped up randomly in a conversation with someone i judt met and i learned what i means just eanted to share this mota moment with all of you , im high af


Welcome to the party! :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sigh. I’ve been putting this off for too long. Things have “progressed,” and not in a good way for us.

The 4-plex we live in has been sold. You may recall there was a large pine tree in basically the center of our backyard. No longer. Hot damn that would make growing easier!

Been a “few” other changes too. :rofl: All that crap in the yard is stuff our neighbor’s neer-do-well son has collected. I got rid of a bunch of it a couple of years ago. The new owner has moved everything George (the son) had “stored” (read dumped) in the yard and under a porch into the yard proper. The new owner wants to power wash and paint the building. He chopped down several lovely plants that had been there for at least thirty years. That sucked.

I know I’ve mentioned before that our three neighbors are one family. A husband who is separated from his wife (and has been for about twenty years) and the husband’s father. The neer-do-well son lives with mom. The couple has two daughters as well. They’re responsible adults with kids of their own. Two out of three isn’t bad.

Jorge (the husband), who’s in his late 50s, is dying. He’s in hospice care. Alcohol. It’s fucked up cuz he’s really an okay guy, at least I think so. Hard working, honest, funny, smart. I like him, but his death will mean his apartment will become available to someone, so growing outdoors is kind of out of the question.

Juan, Jorge’s father, lives above us and is in his late 80s. He’s also dying, though we all expect Juan will last longer than Jorge. Again, when he dies another apartment will come open.

The upshot of all this is that I expect we will move within the next few months, and that makes me feel better about not replanting after I poisoned all my plants. I don’t like it, but not having to move plants is a good thing.

In February when I turned 73, I decided to give up my driver’s license and stop driving. It was a difficult decision, but I think it was the correct one. Now that I no longer drive, there are two things that will define where we will live (rent), unless we find a house to buy (which is highly unlikely, but possible, here in the bay area): The Berkeley Bowl (where we grocery shop) and our Pilates studio. I have to be able to walk to them both. Luckily, there is a Bowl across the street from the studio we pilate at! Seems weird to be driven by those two things, but there it is!

I will definitely grow again! Don’t know if it will be outdoors or in, but I will be growing again (just not here)!


Damn bud, I’m sorry to hear that your life has likely been flipped upside down. It appears that your yard definitely has. They chopped that tree?!? What the hell. You sound in fairly good spirits, so keep your head up. Glad you’re rolling with the punches bro. Wishing you the best in this new chapter.
Much love! :slightly_smiling_face:

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It doesn’t seem weird at all.

That’s a huge pile of crap in the yard and a real shitty deal.


Yep, no doubt, that tree is gone, gone, gone!

It’s true, I’m not going to get down about this. Mrs. mota has plenty of anxiety for the both of us (and probably you too!). We like living here, but life is change. We can deal with it. We’d just prefer not to have to.

Thank you. :slight_smile:


That is a huge pile of crap, all right!

We knew the building was for sale, so no real surprise that there’s a new owner. The building was relatively inexpensive (less than 900k) to buy. It’s kind of a fixer upper, so in that way, moving could be an actual positive (even though we’ll likely be paying at minimum twice what we pay now).

As @blowdout2269 says, gotta roll with the punches.


Shoulda put this in the Outdoor Killing category (if there was one!). :rofl:


Oh man - So sorry to hear this my friend. You can grow in my yard any time! Don’t tell @Rhai88 yet but lets plan a get together at the border at Rhais place to exchange ‘grown’ tips :wink: He doesn’t throw stuff in the yard - lol. It won’t solve YOUR yard problems but it would give you a break and make it easier to deal with when you got home. Dang - why couldn’t life find someone elses yard to take a dump in? VACATION TIME BUD! There’s a Futon in the grow room :+1: