Hopefully more than a mota of mota's mota

Thank you for that clarification. Totally makes sense what you say.

They’ve definitely grown since they went into dirt yesterday.

I’m concerned about that damn shadow blocking the sun. :upside_down_face:


Not that much, but beyond that it’s a really difficult question to answer. The plan is to use these Still full containers plus a few smaller containers that are currently empty. I hope to remix/amend two of the containers first, then extrapolate from that how much more it will take to fully and evenly fill the rest of them. I think it seems like a good plan. We’ll see how it works out.

After I chopped last year, I got to thinking about 2023, and I swore, SWORE, that I would limit my grow this year to eight plants, plus one that I’ll give to a young (7 years old) friend. I gave him a plant last year and he followed through to flowering! Of course, that was with a little help from his mom, but she says he did most of the work, he never complained and seemed to enjoy the experience. I talked with him a few weeks ago and he’s excited about having another plant. :slight_smile: Of course, there was a payoff for mom too. HA!

Why only eight? By the end of last season, moving 15 plants multiple times daily had become a challenge physically for me, so I thought, less may be more. (HA! In what world is less weed more weed?!) Based on that thinking, last December, I bought eight strains thru SeedSupreme. 8 strains (It kills me now that I spent so much on so few. Sigh…)

Meet my mind’s eye. :rofl:

Pot-eye copy

It doesn’t take my mind’s eye to see that the original plan of only eight isn’t just floundering, it has died. Dead horse I had not taken into account OG. Since joining, I have accumulated far too many seeds for me to actually grow. What a problem to have! These are the OG beans that I’m germinating. I’m not good with math, but as I calculate it, I think that comes to 18 in total.

Shit, I must be high. The question here is the amount of dirt I’ll need.

I really wish I could answer that…


Hell yes :+1:

Overgrow the :earth_americas: @mota

Happy growing bro :slightly_smiling_face:


Rouge you are totally right.Those landraces were most likely hand picked by farmers who took the time to take local or traded Feral Cannabis and Did sifts generation by generation to collect the traits they were after potency taste smell ect,They hand picked the drug types to what they liked.I’ve grown Feral stuff I’ve grown landrace stuff and I’ve grown landracy stuff.The feral stuff was more of a jungle viney bush that looked almost nothing like cannabis why I liked it I wanted something that was like grinspoon and freak show back then in the 90s that stuff didn’t exist if it did which Wally Duck had Ducksfoot back then but it was a weak buzz little zippy but really no high looked cool.With Ducksfoot and freak show eventually when it’s in full flower you can tell that’s a cannabis plant after awhile The feral stuff had little to no type of buzz at all but smelled like Frankincense only cool thing about it.As for landraces My Texada and a couple others Landraces in my opinion are way more suited for outdoor they will grow inside pretty good but not as well as the outdoors much more yeild .The landracy stuff as you can guess did well in both but less yeild.It goes with the abilities of the grower.The landrace and feral also does well with little to no care outside in the right places I’ve noticed as far as nutes and whatnot they can live right off the right patch of dirt in a farmers back feild and grow to spite you.


I know the feeling. But I’m reducing the number no doubt. I’ll have more autos this year, but a 5-7 gallon pot feels like nothing to me because I don’t have to move them much. I rotate them around a little last year just to shield from wind or the afternoon sun but certainly not everyday.

I’m going from 6 big girls to 3, and from 3 autos to probably 5. I’ve decided to reduce my variety to up my quality, because I’ll have less different plants to worry about. They’re all subtly different in nutritional/environmental requirements and by the time the photos got BIG, they started getting neglected because I was overwhelmed. Out of my 9 strains last year, I really only smoke 3 of them. So I’ve resolved to this year start more seeds (also they’re pretty much all regular beans, not fem), do a better selection of the plants that go to flower (rather than just start 1 seed of each), and only grow 3 large plants but do the best possible job I can with those 3. They’ll get bigger, almost certainly, I’m 2-3x’ing the soil volume. But I won’t be juggling so many totally different plants. I won’t have to worry about water or nutrition as often as I would with 15 or 30 gallons.

The autos are for a breeding project, and I’m doing 3 of the same strain to select the best candidate for that project. But they’ll be long done by the time the big girls get to flowering.

Here’s my soil calculation as an example:

I’ve got 3 X 50 gallon pots (photos) = 150 gallons
I’ve got 5 X 7 gallon pots (autos) = 35 gallons
Total of 150 + 35 = 185 gallons
A gallon is 0.134 cuft
Cubic feet required = 185 X 0.134 = 24.79 cuft (I like cuft because everything is sold in cuft, not gallons)

If I were you, and moving pots all day everyday, I’d REALLY start getting into Autos. If you want variety, and I know you do, that’s the way to get it. You could do multiple runs each summer in the same pots. You’re talking about ~3 months per pot. And they don’t need much dirt - even 3 gallons would be fine. The good breeders for them (Mephisto, Night Owl, Twenty20, theres several more now) are making great bud. You’ll be impressed, I have no doubt. Run a few this summer and see if you want to change your approach next year. My gut feeling is you’ll start drifting this way.

Anyway, back to the soil. I’d plan on recovering about 60-70% of your soil volume. The easy thing is probably just add new potting soil equivilent to the difference. I’m finding out that ammending the old can be as simple or complicated as you want it to be. I chose medium-complicated, because I’m a glutton for physical punishment and like learning. Need to get out of this winter funk and back into the thrill of summer gardening.

Cheers bud, best of luck, you’ve got great support from everyone here! I love it!


Even today I have moved them three times. Of course, they’re all on a baking pan! HA! But as the season progresses, I will have to move them all up to seven times a day to keep them in full sun.

I think I mentioned that I’m going to grow some autos, for the first time. My soil consideration doesn’t include them.

That’s better than I was hoping for, which was maybe 50%. I figure anything better than half is icing on the cake.

Pot leaf hopper Pot leaf hopper

First leaves! The Harlequin didn’t make it. I’ve started another.


I love your style of growing.
You its like a hippie legend.
True outdoor.


What soil you gon use on next cicle?

1 Like

I’m definitely a hippie, and my grow is definitely all outdoors!

At 73, the physical exercise is a second benefit of having to move my plants around. Another benefit of having to move them so much is that I spend a lot of time with them. That means that if I’m paying attention, and I really try to, I catch problems early.

A legend in what’s left of my own mind! lol (1) Hookah smoking ball on amanita

This is what I’ve used the past 2 years and will use again. It’s locally made and competitively priced.


Love to know that.
You guys on usa are so much important to cannabis evolution exercise in all country’s
Im so im happy im know that and its terrible see white familys dyin by cannabis proibition on my country.
Hippies i love it.
Its a important moviment!
Produce what we eat and consume.
Happy to know.
Long live to organic!
Don’t panic its Organic!


I just realized that technically, that’s not accurate. blush This is definitely not outdoors! LIAR! HA!

I also stash the seedlings in dirt in our bathtub at night. I just put the cookie sheet on the tub floor and close the sliding glass doors. That’s necessary or sure as shit Genki will get in and “investigate” (which, sadly, in this case means destroy! Must over turn all Solo cups! Dirt must be everywhere!)

It’s not quite noon, and I have moved the seedlings five times already. As I was moving them, I decided that tomorrow I’ll photograph each move, and hopefully let you see just how little overall light my yard gets and why I have to move my plants so often.

BTW, the Solo cup with dirt in it in the lower left is the Harlequinn grave. The Harlequinn is dead. The new Harlequinn is sprouting upper right on the plate. Long live the Harlequinn!


Lol, if I let my cat Larry anywhere near my grow, he’d eat just about everything. Buds and all. He’s a feind.


There’s sproutage amongst the OG beans! Pot leaf hopper

Will Smith Punch and Blueberry Diesel are active, the landrace went onto the plate later.

Nothing visible with the Skunk, I believe there is a tiny crack in the Afghan.

Both Frankensteins have movement. The bean at the very bottom is random and unpopped.

I failed to get the new Harlequinn into a picture. It also went on the plate late and it doesn’t appear to have cracked.

So, I must just once again say

Holy fuck copy!!

I dumped another plant out and onto its head. Oh joy. It was the Gorilla Glue, lower right. She was far more established and I believe there is a chance she may survive. You can see the dirt on the tub’s floor where the incident occurred.

Thanks for looking!


Damn, you butterfingers these days, aye? :rofl:


I can’t believe I did that… Butterfingers is right! blush


I think she’ll make it! Bummer on the spillage, she doesn’t look too worse for the wear though.


As I said yesterday, I’m going to photograph each move today, from bathtub in the morning to back into the tub at night. I’ll post them as all together this evening. I can’t even begin to tell you how much better I feel mentally, now that I’ve actually begun my 2023 grow. Whew.

I think you’re right, @FieldEffect, that she will survive! Pot leaf hopper As you can see, she’s standing very upright as of this morning.


The only seeds not popped are the Harlequinn, Odisha Valley landrace and the rando, which all hit the plate late. Everybody else will go into dirt tomorrow.

My neighbors’ son, who is 32, doesn’t have a job. Rather, he and the girlfriend collect recycleables and leech off his mom. He also brings home junk that he leaves in our yard. Fuck. In any event, a little child’s wagon showed up late last year. I kind of stewed about it all winter. I’ve asked George not to bring home a bunch of crap that I’ll have to get rid of because both he and I know he only brings shit in. He doesn’t remove it. Mad mad bear

Earlier in this thread, @BU2B suggested that a garden cart might ease some of the load in terms of my constantly having to move heavy containers. That cart has remained on my mind. I also decided to try to grow some autos this year. I think what I will do is take the top off that child’s wagon and put several smaller pots with autos in it. I won’t take them out, but rather simply wheel it around the yard as needed.I haven’t made a decision yet about the actual garden cart.

I could actually plant in it, but I think that would use too much soil, there’s no drainage, it’s a cheap piece of crap that might break at any moment with too much weight, etc. So I’ll use it for autos in pots.

I like that decision. I feel more this way now, teddyroll

Thanks for looking!


Yay! You got yourself a trooper.
Now expect her to be the biggest and baddest of the bunch. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:


Glad to hear about your recovering girl.

Interesting garden cart. I’d lose my shit at George in much less time than you have. :rofl:

I remembered reading about you giving your neighbor/friend’s son a plant and reading about him bringing crap into the yard it sparked until I scrolled up and found you actually are giving a child a plant.

What about enlisting George to move your pots around for you? Give him a weed payroll.