Hopefully more than a mota of mota's mota

I’ve known George since he was five. He has two younger sisters. The lad I gave the plant to is the middle sister’s son. Both she and her sister are serious people. I hate it that George is such a fuck up. On the other hand, I have total personal trust in him. He views me as a second dad and has told me so. That’s the only reason I can grow in our backyard.

Hopefully that cart will last thru the season.

George doesn’t get high. His dad, who just came back from Mexico recently, told me yesterday G quit drinking. I hope so. It’s the girlfriend who doesn’t like him getting high, but we’ll see how she feels if he actually has quit alcohol.

Honestly, I don’t want someone else to move my plants either. I see moving them as physical exercise, which, sadly, I desperately need!


Here’s my beans, start to finish throughout the day.

It starts in the bathtub. This is the first move outdoors.

Across the yard directly east of that walk is the alley.

In this shot, I’m standing at the open end of the alley and looking west. You can see the bottom of the tent I use for tiny plants. The cover is over on the left.

This was taken from our “back” porch. The tent is now moving towards the alley. You can see how the shadow from the fence is forcing it east.

Now the tent is at the mouth of the alley. You can see my containers behind the pine tree.

From there it goes back into the tub.

Well shit, blush as I’m reviewing the pictures, I realize there are some missing. You should read that as I forgot to take them. Shitfucksticks. I’m going to try to not be as much of a space cadet tomorrow.

I also have more seeds ready for dirt, so I’ll drill holes in Solo cups, fill 'em with soil and plant. Busy day for an old stoner mobile like me. explode


If you LST them while the days are still getting longer (prior to 21 June in the Northern Hemisphere and 21 Dec in the Southern Hemisphere) sometimes stay in pre-flower until the days start getting shorter. It also helps to cold-stratify autoflower seeds, as they contain ruderalis genetics.
Other than those two things, autos grow like any others, just on a shorter timetable. Autos being a relatively new phenomenon, the genetics might not be as well stabilized.

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Okay, I was too tired to post these yesterday, but I did actually document each move.

It’s 7:44AM - The light is just moving into the yard. Later in the year, there will be plants in that space already since it will be rising so much earlier. The plants remain indoors.

It’s 8:10AM - The first move is from the tub outdoors. I could have moved them out maybe 15 minutes earlier.

It’s 8:33AM - That narrow strip of sunlight is all the direct sun reaching the yard. As the sun gets higher in the sky, the light moves more and more into the alley.

It’s 10:31AM - Everyone’s in the alley. As before, I could have moved the girls earlier. I think perhaps I was eating. In the second photo, I’ve turned around to show how much direct sunlight there is now. The pine tree in the center of our yard, and a large palm in the neighbor’s yard are the real culprits. I used the red child’s wagon as a reference.

Around 11:00AM, I put these into dirt.

It’s 12:49PM - The girls are now back on the walkway in exactly the same place they were when they first came out of the house. In the first picture of these three, you’ll note that the second round of seeds are in dirt and in the sun! Very exciting for me. Every day I feel more and more energetic!

The second picture is taken from the mouth of the alley. You can see how little direct sun there is in the yard. There isn’t any being hidden. HA!

The third picture, of the alley, shows that there’s a little direct sunlight there too, but its about to go shady. Later in the year when the girls are bigger, they’ll move in the same geographic sequence, only one at a time. There will be probably ten plants still in the alley at this point. There will be more sun in the main part of the yard by then too. It will be just enough for the number of plants. Hopefully there will be enough.

STONER ALERT! Only now do I realize once again blush I failed in my mission. There were two more moves prior to the girls going to bed in the tub. Shitfucksticks. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Luckily, I documented those two moves yesterday. :wink:


Couple of days later and there has been substantial visible growth in nearly all the seedlings. The next two photos are all commercial seeds. You can just see the Harlequinn’s stem starting to break dirt. I think by this afternoon its head will be above ground. Everyone else is just growing along!

The next two pictures are seeds from OGs, @JohnnyPotseed, @Rhai88, @NugLifeFarms420, @Budderton, @darkillusion, @Tejas, @Heliosphear and I’m not blush positive who the randoms are from. A couple of generous OGs have sent me some. Thank you to everyone!! G8PxQ8j

Finally for today (or at least I believe), here’s my latest beans a poppin’! I will just mention, mostly to remind myself, that I was going to limit myself, strictly limit myself to eight plants! Yeah, sure… Some of these will be going into dirt tomorrow. Eight. HA!

Thanks for looking!


Im about to buy this red cups to my first cicle.
They are good to isolate the roots from light like everybody say?

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What a lineup! :wink:

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This is the first time I have used Solo cups. I’m going to find out I guess. :slight_smile:


Limiting yourself to eight plants, huh? :rofl:
Lookin good friend. Can’t wait to see how this plays out! :smiley::+1:


I blame that on my discomfort with numbers. I know how to say and spell the words, but apparently I don’t know what they really mean. lol (1)

You and me both, brother, you and me both! :joy: smile1


I just think you meant eight…teen! Lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think you may be correct… blush

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lets say 18± :rofl: :rofl: looking nice mota! but sure is hell load of work!


You only missed by a 1, in the 10’s place :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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But you can see how I’m not freaking out yet! wtf lol (1)

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Oh yeah, that was a test. You know, to see if anyone would notice… ROFLMAO

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Okay, this is definitely all the seeds I’ll be germinating this year (until I germinate more)! I mean, there are two autos in dirt now, so my thinking is, in a couple of months I’ll germ a couple more, hopefully just a little before the other autos are ready for harvest. Absolutely no more photos!

Lotta big talk. We’ll see how it actually goes later in the year.

We’ve all agreed I’m not all that good with numbers. (You don’t want to see me “doing” math!) As I count it, there’s 24 Solo cups there, which means a maximum of 23 plants. One is going to my young friend, Miguel. And two are autos. Gettin’ closer to the original eight every second. HA!

Thanks for looking!


So I mean, really, it’s ONLY 3x the number you planned.

Happy growing!


Oh no, it’s fewer than that. Don’t forget, I’m giving one of them to my young friend! :laughing: :crazy_face: :wink:


I’m all caught up! My back hurts just reading how much your moving your girls! That is some dedication :clap:.
I can’t recommend enough getting a grow tent for inside. I’m convinced tending my plants under the light has been a blessing for my mental health!
I had a bit of a learning curve with autos last year. Put them in there final pot. They don’t like up potting like photos do. They like airy soil.
I started them in pro mix plugs and transplanted to clay soil. They were not amused with my stupidity!
Looking forward to seeing your outdoor adventure this season!