**HOTDOGS!** 🌭

basic hotdogs with ketchup and musttard. i think the dogs were “nathan’s”


I am impressed with the pic of someone balancing 10 hot dogs on their arm. :open_mouth:

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Just all beef hotdogs, no buns or condiments…


Now that I’m doing Keto-- that’s how I’ve been eating them too… if it’s a quality dog, it works!
Though I DO use a little stoneground mustard or Chipotle sauce once in a while.


Not sure I like the sound of grilled salmon heads :grimacing: The eyes looking at you accusingly as they turn white and pop - no thanks!!! :smiley: :smiley:

Well then maybe you should eat some Balut, it’s delish.

Sorry out of likes - but that sounds even worse - (Thanks @PhilCuisine and wikipedia for giving me the heeby jeebies) - I am not usually squeamish about food having worked as a chef and in the catering industry for many years but Balut sounds on par with monkey brain - I would rather have the salmon (eyes or not) - lol :smiley: :smiley:

Cheek meat :yum: is some of the best tasting meat on a fish, and, just like your cheeks, or at least the kind we’re discussing, they’re on fish’s heads. There isn’t a lot of cheek, but it really is as good as it gets, at least in my opinion. It’s not at all unusual for us to buy salmon collars and/or cheeks at our local Japanese fish market. We’d buy heads if they sold them cooked, but they don’t.

Not so sure about balut.


Agree, I have cooked Cod and Salmon cheeks and they can be delicious - It is the whole head thing (as per the original pic) that I found a bit off putting (sorry out of likes for another 7 hours)
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I’m so familiar with that situation! I can’t believe I have any left myself! lol (1)

I know this is a hotdog thread but I eat almost anything if cooked right…I also eat corn smut, all the farmers give me their corn smut, its delish folks…


You are using the best tortillas on the planet.
El Milagro. Right on !

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Oh dear god no…not balut!?
You ATE it!? :nauseated_face:
Poorwiddle dead baby birdies (gag)

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Hard outta likes.

I’m sure this is no prank. They’re real dead baby birdies. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yep…gross little unhatched baby birds…usually hard boiled…often fermented…:nauseated_face:

beer brat


just a couple hotdogs on bread with mustard. oscar meyer. believe it or not they’re probably my favorite hot dog. maybe it’s nostalgia. cheap but i like them. the ones stuffed with cheese are the best but i don’t have those.