How do you all collect/dispose runoff (in your indoor)?

One of the reasons i dont do scrog is I take my pots out of the tent to fertigate - in order to be able to collect the runoff properly and dispose (to lawn). I have tried to water inside the tent, but watering and collecting runoff (from the recipient/under dish) from the plants in the back is literally a pain and impossible from lack of space, so I just end up taking them out one by one.

The reason I want to stop is because its hard for them not to brush against stuff when I take them out… and I want to scrog.

How do you particularly solve this in your tent grows?


I use a shopvac for removing run off. You can buy cheap battery powered watering wands for watering.


I don’t scrog for this exact reason. I’ve heard of people using a turkey baster but it sounds labour intensive.

I take the plants out of the tent and put them in a quality (rigid) boot tray and water that way.

When they are small I just take them all to the bathtub.

All the best.


@Floyd the shopvac sounds very efficient, im going to look into some water vacuum solution. I really didnt want to spend more but sounds like a good solution, thank you.

@Foreigner lol glad to know im not alone, thanks - sounds a lot like my routine.


I water every day twice in small amounts to prevent run out of the pots… if they do spill on the tray they dry up under 1200 watt hps In a few hours and keeps humidity where I like it. I’m in a the 30% rh area, and I have to keep a microclimate in my tent to avoid rh issues. The runoff helps, as long as if it’s not long enough for algae to form.


You can get this vacuum called “Bucket Head”, it’s a very basic shop vac that costs approx $30 depending on where you live and attaches to any 5 gallon bucket. It’s not very good for much but it does an excellent job at sucking up run off!


My plants drink up all my runoff from the trays they sit in. Lol. I don’t have a lot of runoff unless I’m doing a heavy watering because I’m gone for a few days. Even then, there is nothing left when I get back


i believe i cant do that because i fertigate and have to runoff at 20% to avoid buildup, which would be too much to leave sitting.


I have elevators under my coco pots with dishes. I try and get a lot of run off with coco. Soil is different.


Definately, im in soill 100% of the time, but I fertigate too and have never had an issue with runoff build up. I fertilize heavy too, every watering (pretty much) usually around 2000ppm


broom handle tied to a shop vac hose for the extra reach lol

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I use those pot-in-pots and just have a drain line. I am same as you and water 2-3 times a day on a electronic timer. Very little if any runoff, enough that i might only have to drain once a week or two into the garden. I recently cut my drain line so its just sitting outside the tent so it just free drains onto the basement floor when the bottom pots get too full which is hardly ever. Its dry within an hour and keeps my RH up a little.

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I had to unexpectedly leave town at the end of August. So I potted up to five gallons and soaked em before I left. Five gallon pots are a serious hassle to get in and out of my space. I said screw it and didn’t water to runoff for the rest of the grow so I could leave them in the tent. Just kept them wet. Went a whole month like that with no issue. Not saying it’s a good idea but that was my experience with jacks and coco.

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Were they fabric pots or solid pots?
It wont matter to me anymore as soon Ill just be using Octopots in my flower tents. :smiley:

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Fabric. I was worried about “salt build up” that I hear about but I couldn’t detect a single issue

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Well as long as it works for you its all good. :smiley:

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Thankfully I have harvested all the 5 gallons but one so I’m back to behaving myself like a good coco grower should but I figured I’d share in case somebody finds themselves in a similar boat some day. Plow ahead it might work out! :yum:

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Shop vac works well

So use saucers to catch the run off?

I already do that, the problem is getting the saucers out from the plants in the back (eventually i have to empty them) - its too crowded, messy, and a bit painful.