How do you do "Open Pollination" with a reversed female? Should I shake this thing? Use a brush?

My reversed female is finally producing pollen:

It’s in the corner of a tent like this:

Do I need shake this plant or anything?

Should I be collecting the pollen and applying it to the other 5 plants via a brush etc. ?

I intend to fully pollinate the other plants and get as many seeds as possible.


If it were me I would collect what I could and get a fan on it from below to blow the pollen around as it drops. Then use the collected pollen on any bud sites that need it if you find any.


Thanks for the help Doug!

Is there a particular method you would use to collect some pollen without damaging the plant?

It just started throwing pollen and I’m not sure if I can collect the pollen without removing the sacs. I probably need to let it mature more… I did put a small fan in the tent sort of underneath it blowing slightly upward.

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Also from what I understand is you should be able to save a lot of pollen as well as more than pollenate your entire plant. No experience just what I e read of others experience.


I would get my self a nice brush like the type the ladies like to Put foundation on with or the ones they dust for finger prints and I’d powder all the noses of every flower site with as many gobs of pollen as I could with a mask on(I have allergies)I saw them let the fan take care of the rest like Doug says.Collect as much as you can and store accordingly that stuff goes quick


You will be surprised at how much pollen is possible, they are sprinkling now, they will dump later. There are may ways to collect. Some line the floor under the pots with parchment and collect it later. I am a bit more violent. I smack the branches into a metal bowl to collect. It knocks the ripe and loose flowers off as well as grabs the dropping pollen. I do that for a couple weeks so in the end the males are pretty beaten up but it’s nothing they can’t handle.


So if I’m hearing you right… You beat ur plants?


Yes, sometimes pretty violently. Many branches bend like they were supercropped at a point but I just stand them back up, lol.


Here’s my open pollination set up with the oscillating fan at the doorway, green dots are my two reversed creme de la chem autos, had a third but she didnt make it and randomly died a week after last treatment. I think I’m doing things right to have that room full of seeds at the end, mine are starting to drop pollen with the room about 5 weeks away from finishing up


Hmm problem is I’m in flood and drain so I’ll have to find a way to collect that doesn’t involve setting anything under the plant :thinking:

I might have to do something similar to banging the plant into a bowl :rofl:

For now I have a fan going.

Thanks again!

Nice, thanks for sharing the image!

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No problem. I collected well over 2 oz of pollen off my current run and over 1/4 lb off the one before that. I am getting pretty good at getting that stuff, lol. You won’t get near that much on a reversal of 1 plant but you can still get a good amount and the stuff goes a looooong way. A single grain of pollen is smaller than the human eye can see so if you can see pollen it’s enough for a boat load of seeds.


If you collect in a bowl, turn your fans off temporarily. It will be a lot easier to catured more pollen if the fan ain’t blowing it around. After your collection session, turn your fans back on. Like Doug said. You will be damaged at how much pollen those shemales can make. I’m doing one right now. Incredible amount of pollen. There’s always someone around looking for pollen if you feel generous. Good luck catching that magic dust.


Put it in the middle of the non reversed females with a fan.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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My Jew Gold 1974 reversal plant doesn’t seem to be “dumping” pollen like the last time i reversed a plant so I made sure to have a 6" fan inside the tent aimed at the “male” to blow what I can’t see around the females. This and give the plants 1/4 turn every day at lights on has resulted in nothing but brown pistils on everything.

:crossed_fingers: it’s all working out the way it seems to be as I was expecting a yellow snow storm by now.


Hey thanks for checking! It does seem like things are going ok… Plants produce some pollen every day, and I shake the “males” and flick them etc. to hit any pistils that still look white.

Lots of prematurely orange pistils so I think it’s going good… I guess only time will tell though for sure :slight_smile:

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