Question about polinating plants by hand

I’m at about 3 weeks into flower, I dusted pollen on a few buds, tonight at 10pm will be 72 hours, I should see some pistils changing color by today, right? If I don’t, should I hit them again?

I’ve deactivated pollen by misting water many times, so that’s my plan. I’ve just never tried to selectively polinate before.


I am also wondering the same…
Was it P-P-P-Pollen you used by chance?

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On berry freak: supafreak, sub1

On JOTI gods green crack extractor edition; rainbow ylly and pinetar gush.


You should see some pistils receeding by now. It couldn’t hurt to hit them up again.


Last night I didn’t see any, that what had me wondering.


I’d think you should be seeing some changes by now.

Is the pollen old maybe?

I’ve never sprayed to deactivate pollen I’ve just accepted a little spillover would happen. Just means a few more seeds and it’s never been too bad.


I did my first a couple of weeks ago.
Pistils turned brown and a few fell off.
Is this right?


Yep, they turn brown and receed.


I need to take a closer look


I just did a couple, here’s 48 hours in.

And a before shot

Edit: I rinsed mine off with the shower head after 4 hours.


So far i have had decent success selectively pollinating the lower bud site by rolling a qtip in pollen I will then roll the qtip over the chosen bud sites right before dark. I have a separate cabinet they spend the night in and then they get misted in the morning when i put them back under the light. I will repeat this process 2 or 3 times and they are good to go. Has worked well for me so far. Good luck man!


Hopefully the pollen is still viable. I know it worked for Eagles and is the same batch so should be good. Fingers crossed bud.


Does it matter if the hairs are already kinda browned?
Unfortunately I don’t think my pollen took. I had sprayed the plants and the tips of the hairs had already shriveled from the Cana control. The branches I hit with the q tip don’t seem to have any hairs that are completely receded, all are white at the base of hair and the tips are brown.


You could be like me and have absolutely bad luck pollinating lol… ive tried a few times and only been semi successful… it doesn’t seem nearly as contagious as I was warmed about


Haven’t got to the other end door to check the Ghash but looked at the Black Triangle today that I hit with @DougDawson PPP pollen and sure looks like it took.

Since I did it all in the room, I hope I sprayed it down well enough that I don’t get strays. Left it for about 4 hours inside a plastic bread bag with the pollen before spraying it down and taking the bag off.


Here is how I pollinate lower branches, if I want to pollinate certain branches I put a hole in the bag and tape to stem.
I use a small paint brush and apply to all pistils on buds. In 48 hours you should see pistols starting to brown and shrivel.
I always isolate the plant in a separate building from my grow area or at least a separate room.
I usually pollinate early in the morning just before their lights out, pollinate and then leave them sit with bag on all day until just before lights on, spray bag with water inside and out and pollinated branches and remove bag, spray whole plant and then return to flower room when lights come on.
Plants never miss a beat and have had great success……image


Dusting a room recently showed me that some females are much more eager to take pollen. And some show it right away, while some have hairs that don’t change for a couple of days. I had 2 plants that I was starting to think has some kinda pollen blocking genetics. They just took a long time for the hairs to show it, but were pollenated ok. I could tell by the calyxes swelling before the hairs even showed it.


Ok, I see some hairs changing. I was getting worried


Yep you got er done. Your gonna have a lot of seeds! @Oldjoints those are some kick ass looking beans!


It’s your supafreak on one of those branches