How do you remove plant matter from harvested seeds?

Used to use either a pillow case or bed sheet
Pour them at one end, lift the 2 corners, the seeds roll down, rest stays attached to the sheet
Might have to do it a few times,but gets them separated


Use the old school method and use an album and a card bromigo…


With a fan… put a bucket or something to catch the seeds; and put a fan over the top and then sprinkle your seeds and weed into to bucket. The fan will blow all the green shit away and only the seeds will fall into the bucket.


some of the seeds i got here had some weed in them… i guess it’s important for some cases. is it critical to remove the debris?

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I do a glass brownie pyrex pan and just swirl in circles to get the beans moving and rolling then tilt down to have em all roll to the bottom and sweep the plant stuff to one side and out and repeat over and over till it’s just seeds


For mailing it helps eliminate smell, it’s legal to mail seeds but not technically legal to mail weed


@Pigeonman you’re a god damn genius.


Was thinking the same

Don’t all the seeds magnetize to balloon also

Old school
That’s how I used to clear seeds from the dirt weed way back when

@MumenRyder LOVE IT!!

Glad you tried out the best seed sorting method ever using scraps around the home! :smiley:


It’s The method for me, thanks so much for sharing it saved me a ton of time.

Here are some little things I learned using it:

  • Need a large bottle (or container like I’m using). I tried a small water bottle and it sucked up everything, seeds included.
  • Be careful not to make a seal with the bottle or it will suck up everything. This takes a little tweaking, but just tilt the bottle at an angle so it doesn’t make a 100% connection with the floor of the container where the seeds and plant material are.
  • Make sure the shop vac is clean before you start incase you suck up a bunch of seeds and need to tweak your method. If you do, just dump the contents of shop vac back into the original container and start over.

I have 9 more plants to go and I’m dreading it a lot less lol… Thanks again!

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Send that bag of Blue Moon Rock seeds to me and I’ll separate them for you.


I use a 1 gallon water bottle for this very reason. :+1:

I made a “choke” hole for where my thumb rests. Bong logic worked!

This is why I made the “cyclone dust collector” as it’s much easier to keep a bucket clean than a shop vac! :rofl:



Bro is that the version you built???

That is some very cool plastic engineering.
How he put those 2 buckets together was brilliant.

I used to use space buckets for micro growing and that technique would have saved a lot of plastic and pain…

Very cool stuff :sunglasses:

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I did this step by step and am now actually excited for the “nightmare” to come fall with my (hopeful) trees to harvest!

Note this will be for any shit left over to separate in order to make hash; and now any and all seed runs are gonna be an easy dry-sift recoup!