Your tips and tricks for shucking and sorting seed!

Hey guys! So I am in the midst of shucking. I pollinated 6 plants with an Afghani Kush male and am super excited to be collecting seed from all of the plants.

This morning I started out breaking buds down and collecting seed. My issue is all of the plant matter I’m currently grabbing seeds with tweezers to separate them out from all of the small pieces of leaves and bud.

This makes me wonder… does everyone do it this way? It seems like a daunting task haha. Especially since I’m only on the one plant so far.

Please share your tips on shucking, and sorting seeds. Hopefully some ideas for making the process easier can be shared and archived here.

For those interested I used a Mark’s Afghani Kush male and crossed it with the following strains.
Monica Kush ( Cali-O x MrNice G13HP)
Gorilla Girl
Monica Kush x Gorilla Girl
Banana Krumble
Bumblebud (Dosidos x 9LB)


I use a frisbee

The seeds roll to the bottom


Good question, I recently let a male plant go a little long before culling it and thought “oh well, I’ll have a few seeds to pick out” ha! It is way too easy to make seeds! I had two entire plants covered in seeded buds. What I did was, let them dry a few days and while the buds were still pliable I squeezed out as many seeds as I could by rolling and pushing them out of the buds. It took a little while and I’m sure there are still some seeds in there but saved some hassle later on.

I’ve seen some seed separators that blow all the lighter weight flower material up and out while the heavier seeds fall to the bottom, but I will just be culling males and taking clones for the foreseeable future after this go round.


shake up for hash, strain for fines and big pieces and then “winnowing” the leftovers in one of my stainless steel mixing bowls.

Plan on maybe incorporating a small tumbler for the first part and then a diy seed cleaner for the second

btw drier the better


It really helps to let the buds dry completely out, then I just roll the buds between my hands and the seeds pop right out, I really like the frizby trick!!


Let your seeded plant dry. After dry put plant in oven bag or clear garbage bag, hold open end closed with hand and swat on something hard. Most if not all seeds will fall to the bottom of the bag


I shuck into a bin and shake it all to one side then the other, like the frisbee trick. Then once it’s mostly seeds gathered up, lightly blowing on them or “windowing” with a fan really helps get rid of the rest of the shake/hulls.


Just like this. Any tray with a lip. Then take credit card or business card playing card etc and rake upwards seeds will roll to the lower lip.


I kinda want to look for an old fashion washing board actually


I use a gold pan, it’s got ridges, damn near made for it :grin:

Like this, grabbed the photo off Google, my gold pan is currently doubling as an extra dog water dish in this hot weather



Bandit, my shuckin buddy :joy:


I use a mason jar box and tap seeds from side to side until the good ones are separated from the chaff and undeveloped seeds. Takes a while but no more than an hour to separate a few thousand.

I seen guys with a hairdryer and a 5 gallon bucket just blow all the chaff right off while the seeds are too heavy to get blown out the bucket. I’ll try that next round.

I’d rather just give people a few extra seeds than go through every single bean almost individually inspecting for quality, FWIW. The odd or slightly less developed looking ones usually germ just the same, IME.


I’ll share with you my own highly sophisticated and advanced techniques, that I’ve never before revealed or even mentioned anywhere.

Little 3oz Dixie cups :laughing: ok maybe they’re not as sophisticated or advanced as some techniques, but they work quite well.

After drying the buds, I bust em up on a paper, using a card to roughly separate the loose seed from what’s left. The seeds usually end up at the bottom of the pile after breaking up the bud, making it easy to separate. After that I scoop em into a dixie cup and turn the cup on an angle, while blowing gently and carefully into the cup to winnow them and blow away what little leaf is left. Works pretty good for small batches. Haven’t felt the need to do it any other way, so I just keep it simple with the cups.

Once that’s done I put the labeled Dixie cups securely into a short tupperware so they don’t fall over accidentally, and leave the seeds to dry fully.


Thanks for the replies everyone. I definitely feel like I have some tricks to make the job easier.


Thank you for posting the thread. It’s a good one. I also find that when the buds are nice and dry before shucking, that the seeds keep their coating alot better.

All those sound like some really killer crosses too brother, nice work :grinning:


The last time I shucked, I let the bud get extra dry, then put a soil screen (see below), inside a trim bin. Rub the buds over the screen, let all the flower fall through and the beans stay on the screen, and the kief falls through into the trim bin catch.


Happened to find this in my IG feed. Looks like he’s making more, $500+tax is more than I’m willing to pay.


one joint at a time.


By hand, 1 by 1.
I Did 1001 like this, I don’t recommend it lol


Double LPs used to be the go to seed sorters.
