What to do with Male Plants

Hello Folk’s

I will be getting my 3x3x78" tent this coming Tuesday to keep plants in veg stage and keep a few males together so, My question is simple, can I keep a male plant growing with female plants vegging, ?

what do I do once the male seeds are ready to burst?

Do I put a bag over the entire plant to collect the pollen?

Once the pollen burst are the seeds any good?

Please help with what needs to be done to keep both inside the tent.

Thank You as Always…


What exactly are you wanting the males for? You can keep them in veg together but once they’re flowering and there is pollen near you run the risk of pollinating everything


I keep males far away and then I use the q-tip method. I touch mail pollen on a q-tip and then touch the bud I want to pollinate


I just figured seeing I killed 2 4ft male plants (headband) (Purlpe Urcle) next males I get I can have the seeds of that strain.

Thats why I am asking once the males get ready and the plants vegging would or would not get them pollinated lol


You gave me the answer lol


If your timing is off you can always just store the pollen. Make sure it’s nice and dry in the freezer.

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I have my first batch of seeds. I crossed a beautiful grease monkey mom with a blueberry og kush dad. I’m popping some now. I also have that Blue Chz and OG kush germinating now also


I wanted to have my own seeds to trade and grow

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The males sacs burst pollen .

The pollen needs to enter thefemale flowering plant to then produce seeds in the female plant.

So they’re are no seeds in the male plant :slight_smile:

Not sure if I missed something :slight_smile:


We may have a miscommunication


I haven’t even smoked and messed up, OK so collect the pollen once the plant burst, take pollen out of bag put in freezer, put with qtip bottom female plants pistols cover branch with bag ? right ?? wrong???


I would like to develop seeds but just need a understanding the correct steps Involved.

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Just let it all grow and once the males start spitting pollen give them a good shake every day.
Make them do kissy face with the females.
That’s how I’d go about it.
The laziest way possible, as usual.
Let nature do its thang.


I will do just that and if I need help I can take pics and ask for help Thank You All


First let the pollen dry for 48 hours before putting it in the freezer. Also it is a good idea mix flour with the pollen to further keep it dry. Mix at 1:1 up to 1:4 pollen to flour.

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They can also drop and open pre-flower balls in veg lighting… A lot less pollen, but its still possible for them to release pollen in veg stage.

Even longer 3-4 days, if its an indica as their pollen has more moisture. And hopefully ambient RH is low enough to dry it.

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